Info: Basically you can change people's emotions like if they are depressed you can influence them to be happy.
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any misuse of this spell
You will need:
-Your mind
-other person
Casting Instructions:
So first Im going to use this example say you want to make someone confident. Sit across from that person and hold their hand (recommended if you havent done psychic spells before. This wont work if you yourself dont have that particular emotion. Example-to make someone happy you have to feel happy. Next you focus on that emotion channel it some people find it easier when they give that emotion a color. (If touching) Imagine a line connecting you and the other person next picture that emotion or energy flowing out of you and into that person, but dont push it too hard there is a high risk that you could wind up being unable to feel this emotion contact me if this happens. (if not touching) its the same principal you have to channel your energy mentally into the other person. you could imagine it flowing out of your third eye and surrounding/entering the other person. Thats it results may vary sometimes it can be as big as the person feeling as if he or she can win a race against usain bolt (its a thing.) Little smaller like being brave enough to confess to the girl/guy you have a crush on. This even works with negative emotions but again Im NOT responsible but you can contact me with problems and Ill see if I can help.
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