Saturday, March 4, 2017

Wishes Come True

Info: Even if the wish seems out of reach or impossible, this spell is the one to use. It only works with white magic, so no messing with free will

You will need:
  • A light blue or white candle 
  • A piece of paper 
  • A pen 
  • Faith in the impossible

Casting Instructions:
Write your name and date of birth on the piece of paper, followed by your wish. End it with this:
While many without faith may dismiss I promise I will always believe in this wish And in the things I am yet to learn So grant me this wish I soulfully yearn.
Fold the paper 3 times. Now light the candle and burn the paper whilst repeating the phrase above. Move the candle to somewhere safe and let it burn out. NOTE: It might a bit of time for the wish to happen, but it will, unless what you wished for wasnt white magic or unless the spirits saw it wasnt what you needed, although this happens very rarely.

A Knot Ritual For Making A Wish Come True

Info: creating a wish to come true

You will need:
- nine scarves or nine pieces of cord

Casting Instructions:
* Name your wish.* Take nine scarves or nine pieces of cord, each about the length of a bootlace.
* Place them on a table and slowly tie a loose knot in each so you secure the nine together in a circle, saying with increasing intensity:

By the knot of one, the spell's begun,By the knot of two, this dream come true.
By the knot of three, the power's in me,
By the knot of four, I make it more.
By the knot of five, the spell's alive,
By the knot of six, my fate's not fixed.
By the knot of seven, my cause is leaven,
By the knot of eight, my aim is straight.
By the knot of nine, the wish is mine.
* Toss your scarves or knotted cords into the air and spiral round, waving them and chanting,
My power renewed, the dream is true, The wish is free, so shall it be.
* Gradually,slow down and reduce your chant to a whisper until you are quite still.
* Sit and make a nine-day plan for making your wish materialise and each morning untie one of your knots as you repeat the chant.

Make wishes come true

You will need:
-pen or pencil

Casting Instructions:
First, write 3 wishes on the paper and if i mean only 3 that means only 3. Then below your wishes,write your name. Fold the paper by 3 then go to the sea,lake,swamp or even your toilet. Flush it or put it in the water and then turn back and chant

"As my wishes sail in the blue
Let the waters make them come true"

Then go away and do something fun.

Make a Wish Come True

Info: make a wish of your dreams come true

You will need:
-1 white candle
-your wish

Casting Instructions:
Draw a pentacle on a piece of paper big enough to put your candle on top of the pentacle. Place the candle on top of the pentacle and light the candle. Write down your wish on a piece of paper and fold it twice so that it becomes a square. Before you chant the spell, light the corner of the wish paper. Now chant this spell: 
(3x) I hope with all my heart and might
That my wish will come true this night
(Say your wish) is what I want to come true
Please let this be very effective, too
I wish with all my heart and might
That this desire of mine is right
(1x) So mote it be!

Wish on A Star Spell

Info: The stars have great energy

You will need:
-pen or pencil
-faith, believe
-night time

Casting Instructions:
The stars have great energy, and you can use that when making your wish spell. You'll have to do this on a clear night, preferably away from city lights if you can manage it. 
?A piece of white paper
?The first star you see at night

Write your wish down on a piece of paper and fold it over once. Carry it with you outside to where you are going to watch for the star. Watch the sky and when you see the very first star, focus on its light for the rest of the spell. 

Hold up the folded piece of paper so it blocks out the star, and repeat the following:

When you wish upon a star,
Your desires won't be very far.

Repeat 3 times. Lower the paper, and look at the star again. Repeat the words another 3 time while watching the light of the first star. Go back inside, and store the paper under your pillow. In a few nights, you'll see your wish start to come true. 

What I most Desire

Info: This spell will grant you whatever you most desire

You will need:
-1 white/blue candle
-a bowl
-a piece of white paper

Casting Instructions:
First, you need a quiet room. Than make sure your safe. Place your candle ifront of your water bowl. Place the thoughts in your mind as you put your finger inside the bowl. Now that you have done this chant outloud but quietly:
I ___ a studier of Magick, Present this without of Panic, Now that I have lead my path, Present The light of Craft, From Heaven to Earth! Present what I desire to see!, To those I will be happy to be
Now that you have chanted take your hands from the water and pace a pentagram on your paper. Present in what i desire to see you chant last.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Vampire Spell

You will need:
  • .1 pint of ur blood 
  • . Teeth 
  • .1/2 cup water 
  • . Cross necklace 
  • . Belief

Casting Instructions:
Mix your blood with the water and put ur cross necklace in it and take a sip next chat this: I (your name) will not want garlic crosses will be my protection so I call upon fire water air earth and god bring me the power I want to be made into a vampire so mote it be.
Then take two sips from the mixture then take the cross necklace out and put it on and also don't do any other spells for 3 hours or it won't work and this spell takes up to two days to work so don't get upset if it don't work right away and it only works if u have true belief in the spell

Three Things

Info: You may have heard of charka's but this spell acts as three things 1 extra charka, a body transformation, and wish

You will need:
  • some sort of light 
  • a wand 
  • a piece of paper 
  • a red and blue uitensul 
  • (sharpies are the best) 
  • neclace and ring 
  • yellow candle

Casting Instructions:
start of by putting your fingers so your thumb index finger and your
middle finger up all at once then chant. Great creator fix me all mighty creator.10x. then draw with 5 symbols (animals or a elments
work best) 2 blue and 2 red than the one in the middle draw with both.
under each symbol a write a wish.than with your wand say the symbol and what color they are.then take yourwand on a flat suface. than say any wand spell you know than you take your ring and necklace ad put it on take your wand and point it at your crown charka don't touch it but point it (the close the more powerful)
than take your paper and throw it in the yellow candle and then whle you sleep the wand will absorb the power than the next day do the same thing do this how ever powerful you want than once your done with that point your wnd at any 5 parts of your body whatever your symbol was you would gain that power (only that area) than do one more
that's your extra charka and your wishes come true once done with the extra charka part (don't ask for stuff that are imosible like becoming a mermaid only stuff like a promotion at work or a new pet thatkind of stuff)

Wish come true spell

Info: make a wish come true. Its a secret. All you need to do is believe in yourself!

You will need:
  • First of all you need to look deep inside yourself 
  • 6 small white non-scented candles 
  • 6 purchased on the 4th of July sparklers 
  • 6 small clear ''glass'' candle holders 
  • Wet 1 large white pure- cotton hand towel 
  • Matches

Casting Instructions:
6 days prior to making your wish, you need to start focusing on what it is your wishing for. On the 6th day at 4:00am, youll need to already have items prepared as follows. Arrange 6 candle holders with candles inside. On top Aline the sparklers with the wick of the candles and insert them. light the candles first a chant x2:
Wish, wish, please come true, or I will forever be blue!
Then say to your self your wish 6 times. then light the 6 sparklers and chant x2:
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Then visualize your wish being true and at the same time put the wet towel over top of the sparklers and candles. Gather all items in the wet towel wrap it up and bury it somewhere safe... and wish will come true!!!!

The spell of the shell

Info: This is a lunar spell which calls on the power of the Moon and the waves. It is also representational because the shell is a long accepted symbol for the Goddess and signifies her ability to take all things to her and effect changes. In this example, we use an Ogham Stave to represent healing, though the spell can be used for other purposes as well. It is performed at the seaside.

You will need:
  • Shell 
  • A symbol of your desire 
  • Fine nibbed marker pen

Casting Instructions:
To perform this spell, you must find a suitable shell in shallow water. Take the shell and dry it thoroughly. Draw your chosen symbol upon the surface of the shell. For healing, we suggest the Edhadh Ogham Stave:
Place the shell upon the shore so that the tide will bring the waves across the shell. When the shell is in place, draw a triangle in the sand, enclosing the shell completely. The symbol upon the shell must be facing upwards (towards the Moon).
Meaningful words, or phrases, may be placed upon the shell also, or simply written in the sand (inside the triangle). Finally, face the Moon and say the following words of enchantment:
Goddess of Moon, Earth and Sea, Each wish in thy name must come to be. Powers and forces which tides do make, Now summon thy waves, my spell to take.
Leave the area now and the spell is set. Once the waves come, then your wish will be taken out to the spirits of the sea. It will usually take about seven days for a -lunar spell to begin to manifest, but it can take as long as 28 days.
This type of magic is what we called little works and belongs to the folk-magic level of spell making.Take care to note the phase of the Moon (waxing forthe gain of something, waning for the dissolving of-something). You are using natural objects which to- the uninitiated mean nothing.

11:11 wish spell

Info: this will make your wish come true after 11:11

Casting instructions:
Chant this at the time 11:11pm. 

"I call on 11:11 to make my wish come true ( say your wish ) so mote it be!"

The last wish potion

Info: This potion is very powerful,take everything with caution please.The last wish potion will help you to grant you a wish that you wanted the most.CAN'T BE USE TWICE OR MORE,JUST ONCE IN YOUR LIFE.PLEASE WISH SOMETHING IMPORTANT.If you ignored the rule,YOU'LL BE PUNISH BY THE GOD WETHER IN THIS WORLD OR THE JUDGEMENT WORLD. 
It takes time to grant your wish,depending on what you're wishing for. 
You can wish anything BUT YOU CAN'T WISH FOR ANOTHER WISH. 
''In this moment of life,some of us may have a wish of something that never came true.'' 


You will need:
  • A Large Candle(optional colours) 
  • Filtered Water(Boiled one should do)(Small amount) 
  • 1 Chinese Lime/regular(green) 
  • 1 Small potion bottle 
  • Circle of Light(Your Aura) 
  • Pure Heart 
  • Visualization (Third Eye) 
  • Beliefs

Casting Instructions:
Beliefs is the key to find the success of this spell.

First,light the candle first ,setup the circle of light and then ask to the candle:
"I invoke all the elements especially the fire,please hear my plea.I invoke you here because I have a wish to be a reality"

2,prepare the boiled water/filtered with the lime.Leave the water first.Chant a wish that you wanted the most at the lime:
(e.g:"I hope the cat that I draw will be come to the reality as soon as possible/I hope my imaginary friend came true/I hope I have a baby/I hope I pass the exam today,etc.")
And then,squeeze the lime to the water.
Visualize your wish,words and feelings that you put on the incantation flow through the water.

3,After that,Chant these words and then blow the candle to the water:
"Please make sure my dream came true,this is my last wish,this is for the eternity,so mote it be!"

4,Take a small amount of the water and put them in a potion bottle.If it's a lot,you can put them at the large Potion Bottle.


A wish Fulfilling Moon Ritual

Info: The moon is worshipped in many cultures. In the 
West, witches performing the drawing down of 
the moon for spell casting. In ancient China, 
animals and Taoists use breathing exercises to 
draw moon energy into their bodies for magic 
work or for healing. In India making offerings to moon may also make your wish come true.

You will need:
  • First we need to prepare a big jar of fresh water, 
  • some milk, some sugar and rice. It is said that for 
  • best result, it is best to use Ganga Jal or sea 
  • water. For general wishes, then this ritual should 
  • be carried out on the second night after the 
  • black moon.

Casting Instructions:
When the time is right, pour the milk, sugar and
rice into a jug of fresh water. Now go to a quite
place where you will not be disturbed. Stare at
the moon for a while and now hold the jug with
both hands and raise it above your head. Now
make a wish and pour down the water in the jug. While you are pouring down the water,
look at the moon through the flowing water
while thinking of your wish. After the ritual, give thank to the moon and go
back immediately without looking back. You
may perform the ritual on the same time next
month until your wish is fulfilled. It is also
believed that whoever makes this ritual a
routine will be prosperous and rich even without asking.

Pentagram wish spell

Info: this spell can give you any of your wish

You will need:

white candle pentagram picture or drawing of pentagram night

Casting Instructions:
do this in a dark room..put the candle (lighted) in the middle of the pentagram the visualize ur wish and chant ohh powers of the spirits hear my plea I want a wish very dear to me please grant my wish o lord I beg please (insert ur wish) SO MOTE IT BE remember to do this spell at night or it won't work

Extremely complex mermaid spell

Info: you will be granted a mermaid tail when you touch water

You will need:
  • 5 white candles 
  • 1 blue candle 
  • your blood 
  • saliva 
  • hair strand 
  • tear 
  • urine 
  • nail clipping 
  • white chalk 
  • paper 
  • ink 
  • full moon 
  • tweezers 
  • glass 
  • small, empty bottle

Casting Instructions:
Go outside at night during a full moon. Make a pentagram with chalk directly under the moonlight. Place the 5 white candles on the 5 points of the pentagram and then place the blue candle In the center. Sit in the center of the pentagram. Light the blue candle first, then light the rest counterclockwise. Then recite the following

Adrift souls meandering among profound floors
Accredit me to departure from humanity
Countenance thy plunge from shore to shore
Poseidon, Repun Kamui, neriedes, Neptune mediocracy
Perceive my inclination
Atonement undeclared
Take it too thy cetaceans
As I burn my one true, lock of hair (burn hair strand over the first candle across from you using tweezers!!!)
Next is thy blood, so thick and pure (cut yourself with the glass shard and let the blood pour into the next candle going clockwise)
And thy saliva, fresh and clear (whatever you do do not spit into the next candle, spit in a bottle then pour it in, do not put out the flame)
And a tear, thy use to vent and lure (using a fresh tear, drop it into the candle, once again, do not put out the candle.)
Now take thy urine so very mere. (pour urine into next white candle without putting it out)
And last I sacrifice thy shell of self (put nail clipping in candle using tweezers)

Now meditate until the blue candle burns out and you will be granted a mermaid tail when you touch water

Vamperic Desire

Info: A call to the realm of the bloodsuckers

You will need:
  • A candle 
  • Concentration 
  • a Dirty mind 
  • Desire 
  • Your hair 
  • Red ink or blood 
  • An offering(Your own body) 
  • A clean table

Casting Instructions:
Place the candle on a clean table and light it,drip the ink or blood in a diamond like shape take a snip of your hair ad slowly burn it

"I desire the feeling I see most pleasurable, I want my blood Drank and fused to the mother of the night letting my soul and body as an offering"

After a night has passed, go for a walk you should see a man in a 
dark beige trench coat walk up to him and say" I have offered my self to the mother of the night, May we live on this, Brethren" he will take you into a dark not often visited place and suck you almost dry.

Demonic Wing Spell has evidence

(This is from someone else not me)

Info: This is a wing growing spell that permits the growth of leathery/bat wings. It works, and it does so well. I used it extensively during my first attempt at wing-growing late 2013 and got some impressive early-stage results. Wing-growing is an intensive process that takes years (despite some claims made on this site) and requires intense dedication; do not enter this lightly. Side effects can include severe pain (primarily around the shoulderblades, but anywhere on your body) and shortness of breath.

You will need:
  • Voice 
  • Patience 
  • Dedication 
  • Belief

Casting Instructions:
This spell is deceivingly simple. If it helps your concentration you can involve candles, crystals, etc., but all you essentially have to do is chant the following in threes as many times as possible:

"Wings, wings, come to me
Elements I call to thee
Earth is my return to rest
Air is my supporter in flight
Fire is my burning desire for wings
Water is my blood calling for the sky
I wish for wings
Their colour reflects my soul
My bones change
Light yet strong, unbreakable
My lungs can breathe the fine air
Their strength lets it forever flow
My muscles are wiry
Their strength could beat a bull's
Whenever I receive injury
My body heals instantly
Evolving as with nature
My body receives what I ask
My soul belongs only to the sky
My main wish is to fly
I shall have the wings of a demon
To fly higher than the birds
Wings, wings, come to me
Demonic is what I wish to be
To fly in the sky
To breathe in the sea
Deities, grant my wish for me
So mote it be"

No, you don't have to be demonkin or part-demon (it's impossible for someone in a human vessel to make themselves more than half-demon with magick, before you get your hopes up) for this to work. Unfortunately, I can't source the super strength/healing/water breathing claims made in the spell; it's one that's existed in many forms for many years. I suppose you could change around some of the wording to make it usable for non-demon wings too, if you wanted.

This spell is long and requires a LOT of repetition multiple times a day for years on end. It works best if combined with the Law of Attraction, other spells, visualization, prayer, and any psi/kinetic powers you may have that would be relevant.

Wing growing is a thorny and disputed topic, but from my experiences with this spell, I believe it works. No, I don't have wings -- I spent most of 2014 separated from my goal and only just returned to it, losing a year's worth of work. But my back's never been the same.

Wing Spell

Info: This is MaximumRide13's spell. I do not own this. 
I have done this, and I am experiencing side effects. 
Some side effects I do not know of as of now. If you are ex

You will need:
  • Nothing 
  • (You may use the Full Moon, it makes it stronger. Optional though)

Casting Instructions:
You can say this on any time of day.
"Wings, wings fly me away
I want to see them everyday
feel them touch them
fly with them
not just an illusion
wings of (color)
my wingspan is large
to carry my body here and there
almost everywhere
all i have to do is leap up and fly
reach up and touch the sky, unfurling my wings so fast
my wingspan of (weight divided by 5)
will carry me across the sky
my wings will be visible, to humans and ones like me
but not when i close my back
then they will stay hidden, tight but tough
tomorrow i want to wake up with these wings and fly in the sky
let them grow not just appear
fastly growing and getting stronger day by day
let them be fully grown in (number of days) days
I command you to do this as i have asked you
thank you"

Numbers of days - 70-100 days.
Wing span - If you do not know your weight, go and weigh yourself, or guess by the last time you have seen your weight.

Side Effects:
Aching back
Breathing shortens/Trouble breathing
Wing-like bones forming on your back underneath skin.
Shoulder blades moving in order to make room for the wings.
Heart beating a little faster.
Bones will be thinning. (Not bad, but you will be losing weight due to
the bone thinning)
Phantom Wings. (Any questions on this, PM me)
Tingly back.

Once the day comes for the wings to break skin, there WILL be blood. But no worries, there will be no blood loss involved. Once you have your wings, you must train them in order to fly.
You must sleep on your stomach or side in order to sleep. No sleeping on your back, or else that'll be very uncomfortable and you will end up putting pressure on your wings.

Get wings fast

Info: If you read this correctly, it should work and you will have wings soon. (Not longer than a week, varies for each person)

You will need:
  • Spell 
  • Dawn 
  • Clear view of sunrise

Casting Instructions:
Make sure you have a good view of the sunrise
Stand up
Have wherever you are be quiet
Then say the following three times:

Give me wings so I can soar
Above the clouds that so often pour
Rain and snow and wind and hail
Give me wings that shall never fail
Across the sky bearing silver tipped clouds
Above the awed people forming crowds
(Give me wings of the blackest night
The pitchest black ever in sight)
(Lend me wings of the purist white
A color that fills every soul with light)
(Gift me wings not white nor black
Something that will not turn it's back)
A combination of evil and good
Somewhat like a knot in wood
A little of hero and villain together, 
Never faltering, no matter the weather
I wish a pair of wings like this,
For else I will never be free,
I wish a pair of wings, so please, mote it be.

Telekinetic Skills

Info: The ability of Telekinetic is moving any object on a physical plane with physic powers, but this is just training your Telekinesis skills.

You will need:
  • Physic abilities, but not necessary 
  • candle 
  • utensil 
  • Balloon

Casting Instructions:
The first method of training is Becoming one with the object,

First, light the candle and stare at the flame focus on it focus on the inner flame not just the flame you see, then close your eyes and keep the inner flame in mind, visualize it growing shorting waving just doing crazy dancing stuff, practice 5 to 10 minutes a day.

The second method of training is Using Energy,

First, blow up the balloon then place on a floor with less friction linoleum is best, then sit comfortable and perform relaxed breathing clear your mind of all things, create a ball of energy and mentally push the ball into the balloon making it move without touching it.

The Final step of training is Bending,

First, grab utensil of any choice, hold it which is comfortable to you, sit relaxed and comfortable with relaxed breathing, empty mind of all thoughts focus on the utensil, Close your eyes and slowly rub the utensil get the feeling of it, feel the energy, the molecules and the atoms of it become one with it,with practice once you become with the utensil it shall bend on it's own,

these are steps to training your telekinesis abilities, but perform telekinesis takes years of practice.


Info: Cryokinesis is the ability to control the element of ice.

Casting Instructions:
Cultivating water energy First, stand in position for ki breathing, close eyes and visualize your being surrounded by water, visualize that energy from the water is flowing into your body filling you up, once you think youve had enough its time to move on. Lowering a room or areas temperature First: Meditate for a clear calm mind, then pick the room or area in which you would like the temperature but first check thermostat.Now stand in a comfortable position and close your eyes closed, visualize that your in a blizzard, see the snow flying and frost forming on the ground everything freezing. Gather the feel of this cold adapt to it, now visualize the temperature of the thermostat dropping lower, check thermostat see if it lowers. Ice ball Stand in a comfortable position, hold hands like holding a ki ball. You should hold your hands at your side near your hip. Visualize water flowing on top of your hands flowing into your hands swirling into a ball, then visualize it slowing freezing feel the coldness, hear it cracking, hands should feel cold. Ice blast Perform a Ice ball, then push the ball forward using ki blast, visualize the ball flying being absorbed by a enemy turning them to ice.
Ice shield Visualize water flowing in you filling you. Visualize the water energy mixing with your ki and Dan Tien mixing together see it exploding out your body visualize it freezing have way forming a dome, fill it with water to make it stronger. Ice needles First visualize water filling packing in your arms, now visualize it freezing tense up and shoot the ice forward, use your ishi to send it out your palm and fingertips creating needles.

Mental Attack

Info: A dangerous attack that will give the victim a horible headache, this will make it hard for them to think striaght. Good to use in a fight.

Casting Instructions:
The Attack What you need to do is visualize entering their mind. This can be done in a couple of different ways find what works best for you. Me I will visualize me just in their head but with out my body there. Then see a ball of electric energy getting bigger and bigger as it gets more energy. Then let it explode blasting their mind. Then do it again as much as you wish. This may hurt your head a little bit but not to much. Blocking This A way to block this would be to visualize an electric shield building in your mind spreading out until it covers your whole mind. As long as you hold it it will protect you. Plus you can add more shield of possibly metal or something else.

Shifting in water

Info: This spell allows you to shift when in a source of water, If done properly you should feel stronger and heal faster in and near water. When casted my experienced witches or natural born shifters you will gain the ability to control water. You should be an experienced caster to preform this spell, and it has to be preformed on the night of a full moon.

You will need:
  • 8 Deep Blue Candles 
  • 8 Drops Of Your Blood 
  • 7 Red Rose Petals 
  • 3 Teaspoons Of Sea Salt 
  • 1 Full Moon 
  • 1 Big Bowl Of Water 
  • 1 Spring Of Thyme 
  • 1 Yarrow Flower 
  • 1 Box Of Matches 
  • 1 Morter And Pestle

Casting Instructions
This spell needs to be preformed on the night of a full moon and up to 3 sorcerers can preform it at a time. Go outside and form the 8 candles in a large circle around you, now cast the circle where the candles are and light them with matches gather all your ingredients and bring them into the circle. Now place the bowl of water in front of you and add your blood to it while looking at the reflection of the moon in the water. Now sit and picture what you want this spell to do and how you want to shift, grind the plants up and add them to the bowl of water.

Talking to animals telepathically

You have to be very patient with the animal as this will take masses amount of time. But as they say, practice makes perfect.

You will need:

Casting Instructions:
Try to make eye contact for at least 5 seconds with the animal you are trying to talk to. While doing this, envision a link between both your minds and heart. At this point you are the only one that can break the link. Telepathically try and talk to the animal, call out to it. Do not be surprised if the animal shakes its head. Just try again, it will take time for it to respond. After doing it successfully a few times, and making a bond with the animal, you should be able to talk to each other from afar.

Telekinesis for Beginners

Info: This spell shows you how to do basic telekinesis

You will need:
  • Full concentration 
  • Patience 
  • Belief 
  • Psi wheel 
  • Or 
  • Small, light object

Casting Instructions:
Sit in a room that is quite. Take your small object or psi wheel and place it somewhere, sit close next to it.

What you want to do now, is to cup your hands around the object and imagine energy flowing through your hands. Don't use your own energy because you will get tired easily, instead use another source of energy. And imagine your self obtaining energy from that. I use the sun as my energy source because it is full of energy, and my element is fire.

Imagine the object moving in your mind. This is the hard part though, don't stress too much or focus on it too much, or have little focus on it. Just imagine that your doing something simple, like typing on the keyboard or something. Just keep doing that, and don't worry if it doesn't work for the first time! It also happens to me as well. 

Congrats! You just did basic telekinesis! Just practice doing this daily, and soon you might be able to do telekinesis without too much pressure I also recommend meditating for about 15-30 minutes a day, it just helps you focus more.

Begining Telekinisis

Info: This will show you how to life items with telekinesis

You will need:
  • a small object 
  • deep concentration 
  • a flat surface

Casting Instructions:
okay so your begining telekinisis so for this to work you need deep consentration 

1. clear your mind of anything 
2. okay so put the object on the flat surface
3. so picture the object moving such as falling over or levetating 
4. consentrate hard you can do it now let your power flow and move the object.

Intelligence Spell

Info: Makes you really intelligent and make you use %40 of your brain. No offense but the average human only uses %10.

You will need:
  • Your Voice 
  • 2 White Candles 
  • 1 Red Candle 
  • Relaxation 
  • A Small Object 
  • Mind

Casting Instructions:
1. Take your two white candles and put them a foot apart. Do not light until given permission

2. Put your red candle in the middle of the two white candles. The three candles must be straight. Do not light the candles just yet

3. Relax a bit, the more relaxation you have, the more the spell will work

4. Put your object about four inches infront of the red candle. You must be closest to the object or facing the object

5. Light the candles. Make sure to light the red one last.

6. Wait a minute after lighting the candles and say two times:

Thee Intellegence of Mine is Weak
By the Gods and Godesses above I beg for more
Make me smarter, more intelligent, please. And let the object I have keep the intelligence locked inside

7. Focus on the object hard. Let your mind be guided by the spirits, gods, goddesses

8. Touch the object in a half hour and you should become more intellegent


Black Wings Spell

Info: Spell to grow psychical black wings with feathers

You will need:

Casting Instructions:
Oh gods and goddess of flight
Oh gods and goddess of air
Oh gods and goddess of birds 
hear my plea
Let me grow wings from my back
Let my wings be black as black can be
Let me be able to soar and learn how to fly
Let my wings never falter
Let me to move them as I wish
Let my wings grow as I grow
Let me to be able to fold them tight
Let my wings be able to support me perfectly as I fly
Let me be able to control the air
Let my wings to be flawless 
Let me be able to to summon winged creatures
Let my wings be the strongest of all
Let me be able to sense other people like me from miles and miles away
Let my wings be grown in 10 days at the stroke of midnight
Let me be able to fly fly fly
Let my wings to be flexible as can be
This is my strongest wish so mote it be. 

The next day, for ten days, when you wake up and when ur about to sleep say "Give me physical wings". 
Drinking lots of water
'Acne' on shoulder blades
Larger shoulder blades
Feeling lighter
Not wanting to sleep at night

Grow Wings

Info: Grow wings in a day, or a year, depends on how much experience you have

You will need:
-your voice
-a feather

Casting Instructions:
Make sure you have a very high tolerance for pain. Stand up and hold the feather to your chest tightly then shout
"Heavens I call above, sun and moon guide me, I wish to be one with you, up in the sky. (Name of animal you want wings from) surround me and make me on of you, wings carry me away! I say! Anyday! I command thee earth to release me from its gravitational bind and let me fly away! So it shall be, gods and goddesses hear my prayer, release from the ground and into the air!"
You should feel light headed and your back will hurt, between your shoulder blades, warning: there will be a lot of blood.

Pair of wings

Info: this is a spell to get your dream wings

You will need:
-coloring tools

Castings Instructions:
Read all before doing anything. Get a piece of paper. Draw yourself but so you can fit your wings on and you. Draw your wings of any kind (example: bat, dragon, bird, etc.). Color the wings to what your heart contents. Fold the paper any way once. Write down its info (kind of wings, what kind of creature it came from, what kind of powers you want, etc). Fold it again anyway you want.
Write and say at the same time: Wings wings, come to me. Let me fly as high as the birds, I wish for wings on the physical plane, so mote it be. Now fold it again anyway you want. Draw a pentagram on it. Fold it again anyway you want once again. Now every night for three nights, chant this: God/goddess grant me my dream wings on this plane from pain and flight. Wings wings, come to me, let me fly as high as the birds, I wish for wings on the physical plane, so mote it be. Then kiss the paper and place it under your pillow or place it within pillow covers.

Grow wings of any kind

Info: this spell will get you wings of any animal or insect.

You will need:
-2 sheets of paper (can be lined)
-drawing supplies
-black marker or sharpie

Casting Instructions:

First, draw your desired wings, then outline them in black marker and color them.

Write your wing information. The things I put here MUST be written down, but you can add any other information you feel necessary


Type of wings


Wing Height


Maximum Flight Speed

Next, write one of these spells for your desired wings, then say it aloud

I wish for wings of a butterfly I wish for wings of a hawk

To fly and reach the sky Because I'd rather fly than walk

Only those I tell can see. Only those I tell can see

These wings bound to me. These wings bound to me

Let them phase through clothes. Let them phase through clothes

So almost nobody knows. So almost nobody knows

Begin to grow after my next meal. Begin to grow after my next meal

Make them true, make them real. Make them true, make them real

So mote it be! So mote it be!

Now fold it in half until it makes a small square, then put it somewhere safe.

Before you go to bed tonight, and for the next 3 nights, hold the paper to your chest and say

Give me wings I desire, let me fly higher. So mote it be!

Then in 3-4 weeks, your wings will be fully grown.

Spell to grow wings

Info: this spell make wings grow on your back

You will need:
-feather (any color)

Casting Instructions:
Hold the feather and say three times: dear angels faiths butterfly's galore i wish to fly just like you please make my wish come true. Allow up to 3 days for wings to grow.

Spell to Grow wings

Info: this is a spell to make you grow wings but it is NOT TESTED

You will need:
-your voice

Casting Instructions:
Say this; Wings, wings fly me away
I want to see them everyday
feel them touch them
fly with them
not just an illusion
wings of (color)
my wingspan is large
to carry my body here and there
almost everywhere
all i have to do is leap up and fly
reach up and touch the sky, unfurling my wings so fast
my wingspan of (weight divided by 5)
will carry me across the sky
my wings will be visible, to humans and ones like me
but not when i close my back
then they will stay hidden, tight but tough
tomorrow i want to wake up with these wings and fly in the sky
let them grow not just appear
fastly growing and getting stronger day by day
let them be fully grown in (number of days) days
I command you to do this as i have asked you