Thursday, March 2, 2017

Find and summon your Spirit Animal

Info: Your spirit animal is your nature, your life. If you were an animal, that would be it. Your spirit animal protects you. It is chosen depending on your traits. To find your spirit animal, conduct this spell.

You will need:
-quiet environment
-stuffed animals: fox, wolf, lion, deer, monkey, snake, bear, bird, horse
-ability to do magic

Casting Instructions:
Take the pen and paper. Out of the following list, write down one of these traits that you are (tell the truth of it will not work): smart, caring, adventurous, risky, quick, friendly, quiet, thoughtful, humble
Make sure you write down just one!
Now fold this paper up and hold up the glass of water to the sunlight and chant this:
"O great Spirit Animal
Thy come to me
Greatness for me
In you I see
Best come quick
Show much haste
Into my heart
For you I shall not waste
I bow down to you,
My trait be (insert trait here)
Depend on me
For it is you, Spirit Animal,
That I seek."
Now drink the glass of water. Go back inside. Get all of your stuffed animals and line them up. Place the folded paper in front of them and write on the paper, "To My Spirit Animal". Then chant this:
"Fox of smarts, it could be
Or the caring horse is me
Perhaps the adventurous bear
Or the risky snake,
The lion of haste
The friendly wolf
Or the quiet deer
The thoughtful monkey,
Who dare not sneer
Maybe the humble bird
Winning without a word
Who could it be?
We shall see..."
Now go to sleep, and while you are falling asleep focus on your trait. In your dream, the animal will show up somewhere (most likely near you). The might talk to you, or might not. Remember the animal. This is your spirit animal.
Just because you're friendly doesn't mean your a deer and the like.
If you see two animals, congrats! You are double-traited, which means you have two spirit animals. I have a fox and a wolf. That's friendly and smart, although the fox chose me for being adventurous instead.
You cannot perform this spell more than once on the same person. It will either be the same or not work.

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