Saturday, December 23, 2017

Angel Wing

Info: This spell will allow you to have wings of any natural color choice

You will need: a feather (any color)

Casting Instructions:
Hold the feather to your shoulder blade (under the shirt) and say this spell 2 times
Wings wings fly me away. Feel them touch them, fly with them, not just an illusion. Wings of (color) wings of (color). My wingspan is large to carry my body here and there almost everywhere. All I have to do is leap up and touch the sky unfurling my wings so fast. My weight divided by 5 will carry me cross the sky. My wings will be visible to all living things, but not when I close my back then they will say hidden tough but tight. Tomorrow I want to wake up with these wings let then grow not just appear fastly growing and getting stronger day by day let then be fully grown in 6 days this is my wish so mote it be by the power of 3 Now hold the feather under your shirt on your other shoulder blade again and say the spell 2 more times and the spell has been cast

The Wishing Star

Info: traditional
You will need: sunset open sky

Casting Instructions:
In the early evening, as light of sunset fades, look to the west for the first star to appear. As soonas you see it, kiss the palm of your hand, and hold it up to the star, saying STAR LIGHT, STAR BRIGHT,FIRST STAR I SEE TONIGHT,I WISH I MAY, I WISH I MIGHT, HAVE THIS WISH I WISH TONIGHT: Then make your wish.

Want Spell

Info: Since Mother Nature supplies our most basic needs, this spell uses the cycle of her existence to help fulfil your wants. The leaf is representative of her power and you are using natural objects to signify that all things must come to pass.

You will need:
-a marker pen
-a fully grown leaf

Casting Instructions:
Write or draw on the leaf a word, picture or letter that represents the thing that you want. Lay the leaf on the ground. As the leaf withers, it takes your desire to the Earth.
In thanks, Mother Nature will grant your wish. You may also throw the leaf into running water or place it under a stone if you wish.
This is a spell which owes a great deal to folk magic and an appreciation of the cycle of growth and decay. In such spells, it is usual to use a leaf that has fallen rather than pick one from a tree. If you do the latter you should thank the tree for its bounty.

3 Wishes

Info: A chant to make your wishes come true

You will need:
1 candle any color

Casting Instructions:
This is a real spell that I got from a real wizard. All you need to say is: 3 wish 3 fish give me my wishes I need a little to cheat so make my wish come true.

Paper Money Spell

You will need:
-1 white piece of paper
- something to write with

Casting Instructions:
Step1: Take the white piece of paper and draw a $1,$5,$10,20$,$50,or $100 dollars on it.
Step2: Then take it and fold it small enough to either fit in your wallet or pocket.
Step3: Say these words 3x's:

Money, Money come to me as I see three times three,
As I close my eyes and visualize the money coming to me in many ways.
Money, Money come to me as I see three times three.

Now place the folded piece of paper either in your wallet or pocket and leave it for eight days and watch the money start to come in.
Repeat this every eight days or so and watch how much money comes to you.

Summon an Elemental Wolf

You will need:
  • Paper 
  • Pen/Pencil 
  • Coloring tools

Casting Instructions:
Draw what your wolf will look like. Color in your wolf, according to its element, or just color it in and find out its element by the color(s). Draw you next to your wolf. Write down your height next to yourself. Draw lines above yourself, according to your height. I.E.: If youre 54, draw 5 lines first, then draw the 4 lines. Do the same for your wolf. Underline the heights of you and your wolf. Fold the paper hamburger style. Write its info with the pencil on either side. (Name, element, breed, fur color, eyes, tail, accessories, abilities, strength, speed, what it eats, etc.) Fold paper hamburger style again. Write and say this aloud, (Element), wolf of mine, come to me, by egg of (element). I summon the newborn mythical creature. So Mote It Be. (So mote it be should be written as big as you can.) Fold paper again. Draw a pentagram on either side. Fold it once more. Now every night, for three nights, chant, God/goddesses, grant my dream wolf in the real world from egg to end. Then, chant, (Element), wolf of mine, come to me, by egg of (element). I summon the newborn mythical creature. So mote it be. Kiss the paper and put it under your pillow. As you fall asleep, dream of you and your wolf coming together. Type of eggs:
  • Water-Sitting in the pool(if you have one)/blue egg
  • Terra-Rock egg
  • Fire-Flaming egg/red egg
  • Air/wind-Maybe invisible and strong wind comes/white egg
  • Copper-Copper egg
  • Silver-Silver egg
  • Nickel-Nickel egg
  • Aurora-Colorful egg
  • Nature-Green egg

Unicorn Creation

Info: A spell to create your own unicorn

You will need:
  • Paper 
  • Pencil or pen 
  • Coloring items

Casting Instructions:
Draw what your unicorn will look like. Color in your unicorn, according to it element(s) or just find out element(s) by color. Draw you next to your unicorn. Draw your height next to yourself and coloryourself in ( optional ).
Fold the paper hamburger style. Write its info in either side ( name, element, breed, coat color, accessories, behavior, wingspan if have any, tail, what it eats, speed, etc) Fold paper hamburger style again.
Write and say this aloud: ( element ) unicorn of mine, come to me, by egg of ( element ). I summon the newborn mythical creature. So mote it be Then fold paper again. Draw a pentegram know either side. Now fold it once more Now every night, for three nights, chant, god/ goddess, grant my dream unicorn in the real world from egg to end.* then chant, ( element ) unicorn of mine, come to me, by egg of (element ). I summon the newborn mythical creature. So mote it be 

A Teleportation (soul only)

Info: Simple and easy way to teleport your soul to its desired places.May feel exhausted/weak.This spell is pretty useful when you want to see something on the place without being there.


You will need:
  • Beliefs 
  • Concentration 
  • Clear Mind 
  • Visualization(Third Eye) 
  • Pure Heart

Casting Instructions:Okay,now sit down.Release everything on your mind and concentrate. Find a best place to comfort yourself.Make sure your heart only feel love/happy.

1:Visualize the place that you wanted to go(e.g Paris,California,School,Office,Shopping Mall,ETC.)

2:Now,believe that you're there,Seeing things around you.(If you saw people,good!.If you don't, you're in another realm)

3:Now,take a little walk. If you wanted to stay there for a while,stay.
I don't guaranteed that the more you wait to stay,the more exhaust you'll be after the process. 

If you don't feel exhausted, that means you have a lot of mana. 

Return Love

Info: After a breakup with a person that you feel has nothing left for you.

You will need:
  • VERY STRONG EMOTIONS 4 person and a STRONG DESIRE to have love returned. Blood, tears, and all.

Casting Instructions:
I was very distressed after a breakup with my ex(I found out he was cheating) so while in tears I repeated with great force this chant;

(MUST BE ON KNEES in a prayer position and worked up. Think about all the love that was sent out into relationship.)

"I invoke the law of 3 what once was lost returns to me, I gave my love my heart to see, I have given love now I receive...I give love, I receive love. I give love, I receive love. Saint Anthony find my love for me. Return love to me 3*3!" 

*I ex wasnt the one ...BUT another man came along and loves me intensely. INTENSELY. I mean drop everything lets get joint bank account intense.*

Ring of Protection

Info: In this method of working you place a protective shield around yourself or your home, so that no harm can come to you, it or the people therein.

Casting Instructions:
Visualize a ring of light surrounding your property. Ask your guardians or favourite deities to protect you, your home and its occupants for as long as necessary. Reinforce the circle of light whenever you think about it or in the case of your home, whenever you go away.It really is that simple and means that you trust your own abilities.
Incidentally, when under any kind of attack one may always mentally ask for Divine justice in the knowledge that what goes around, must come around in due course. Often inaction is as effective as action. This enables us to rest easy, recognizing that we cannot always know what the result will be, yet secure in the knowledge that justice will prevail.

To Find the Truth

Info: Without the truth one cannot make sensible decisions. As one’s intuition grows it becomes easier to tell when people are not telling you the truth. Until that time a simple spell like this ensures that the truth is revealed in the right way. It uses herbs and candles.

You will need:
  • Handful of thyme 
  • Red candle 
  • Flat dish or pentacle on which to put the herbs

Casting Instructions:
Place the thyme into the dish and say:
Clarification I now require So that truth is spoken Let what is hidden now Be brought into the open.
Light the candle and say:
Speak truth with passion And goodbye to caution As the truth is said May I not be misled.
Allow the candle to burn down until the wax drips into the herbs. Bury the cooled wax and herbs, preferably at a crossroads, having first blown any loose herbs to the wind.
The herb thyme is said to bring courage, which is-often needed to bypass our inhibitions. The colour-red often represents sexual passion, but here is much-more the passion for truth. Do remember therefore-that sometimes the truth can hurt, and you may-have been being protected.

Very Strong Love

Info: Chocolate is said to be an aphrodisiac, a mild euphoric, and helps to heal depression. It is therefore extremely effective in love potions and spells. In this spell two ingredients are brought together to help you to enchant your loved one.Strawberries are well known as lovers’ fruits.

You will need:
  • Strawberry incense 
  • Pink candles 
  • A plate of strawberries 
  • Melted chocolate

Casting Instructions:
Be very clear in your own mind what you want to happen before you start. Be aware that it is not right to influence the other person against their will or their natural inclinations.You should use this spell to prepare the ground for true relationship.
Light the candles and the incense. Dip each strawberry in the chocolate. As you do so, visualize you and the other person together enjoying one anothers company, becoming closer and so on. Say the words below (or something similar) as you prepare the fruit:
Lover, lover, come to me And even then you shall be free To come, to go just as you please Until to stay your heart decrees.
Do be aware that you have not put a time limit on this so if you cannot handle such an open relationship choose different words. As you enjoy the fruit together be prepared to take responsibility for what occurs.
This spell can be quite powerful, particularly if you use the same pink candles when your lover arrives.Strawberries and chocolate both come under the rulership of Venus the Goddess of Love, though there is a belief that Jupiter also has a connection with strawberries.

Fire Protection

Info: This spell uses the energies of fire to protect one from negative energies and bad spirits.
You will need:
-An object (preferably a piece of jewelry so it can be worn at all times)
-A candle (ideally red for fire or white for all purpose)
-Matches (a lighter can be used if you don't have matches)

Casting Instructions:
Visualization and energy manipulation are the main skills used, being able to do both adequately is recommended. Memorizing the chant is also a good thing to have down before performing the spell but not necessary. This should be preformed over your altar if you have one or a clear space.
Chant: Ignis contego a nocere, abdicativi vis, et volutati. Hold the object in your projective (usually dominant) hand. Hold your receptive (none dominant) hand a safe distance over the flame. Visualize its energies entering your hand and flowing into your center.
Allow it to mix with your energies and fill your being before bursting out and forming a shield of purifying white light around your body. Focus on this idea of the fire providing protection as you chant.
Visualize the energy flowing back into your center and out through your projective hand, into the object. Feel the protective power go from the fire, into you, and then into the object in a constant flow. Continue to chant until you feel as though you are done.

Power Ring

Info: To help boost your spells, when you wear the ring.
You will need:
-outside before a storm comes

Casting instructions:
Stand outside, with the ring in your hand.
"On this night and on this hour summon to me great ancient power. Come to me into my ring. Let me boost my power times three. So mote it be!

Shadows Take Me

You will need: - nothing
Info: A very simple yet very strong spell. It helps you blend into a crowd, but you should know that it is only effective if you try not to bring attention to yourself.

Casting Instructions:
You must recite this:

"Shadows Be
Shadows make invisible to thee
Shadows Take me"

Visualize yourself completely transparent, and focus on not being seen.

Blessed Be