Monday, December 19, 2016

Past Life

Info: This will allow you to get a glimpse of your past life
You will need:

  • blessed water
  • mirror
  • white candle
  • writing paper
  • pen
Casting Instructions:

Make a magical circle of protection and calmness using the blessed water. Sprinkle it around you as you become relaxed and focused. Place the mirror and a single white candle on a table so that the light reflects off your face. Take your paper and write clearly: I wish to see who I have been in my past life. At a time when all was going well. Reveal to me with this powerful spell.

Hold the paper over the candle flame so that it burns. Focus on your vision and watch your eyes in the mirror. After awhile, your face should change shape into the face you wore in a previous life. Continue to stare into the mirror until you see a glimpse of your past life.

Past Life Incantation

Info: A spell that shows your past life
You will need:

  • stone
  • candle (black or red)
Casting Instructions:

Place the stone on the floor in a dark room. Put the candle on the stone so that the wax sticks to the sones. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed, put both hands above the stone and chant the following:
Flame that flickers, bright and true. Memories lost will come back soon. Through my mind and onto stone, show what I may have disowned. Flame that flickers, bright and true. Show me life before me and you.

See a past life/future life

Info: This spell will enable you to see your past life/future life
You will need:

  • lavender (optional)
  • bed
  • quiet
  • night
  • ability to sleep
  • alarm clock
  • pen
  • paper
  • voice
Casting instructions:

Your past life is your liner for your life today. My past life was a pilgrim named Claira (Clay-rah). She survived the dangers, showed the pilgrims the way to go and helped the indians. Claira's future life was me and my future life is a girl name Alahna. This is no you discover YOUR past life/future life.
Set your alarm clock to 12:10 AM (close to midnight). Put the lavendar beside you and and chant the following 3x:
"Shall at midnight I see my past life/future life. A white room, 2 doors. My past life/future life."

Now go to sleep.
At midnight you will begin dreaming of your past life. You will be in a white room with two doors. Choose the first door for past, the second door for future. Open your door. Observe the person in the door, than ask these questions:
What is your name?
What year are you from?
Where do you live?
How old are you?

Now, if you are in the past say I am your future life. If you are in the future say I am your past life.

All of this should take 10 minutes, and now your alarm clock has rung. Wake up, take your pen and paper and write down every thing you expierenced.
And there you are! You can go back to sleep now.

Friday, November 25, 2016

To find your true love

Info: to help you find the one that's right for you
You will need:

  • red necklace (or just a silver locket)
  • flower from a bleeding heart plant
  • 3 mint herbs
  • favorite shade of red or pink on anything (for example a maple tree leaf)
  • jar ( about like a medium jelly jar size)
  • quiet and private space (like your room or something)
Casting instructions:

first take the empty (washed as well) jar and set it in an open space(clean spot on the floor or something) take the bleeding heart flower and put it in the jar gently. then take the 3 mint leavess and rub them in your hands for 3 seconds and then drop them into the jar surrounding the bleeding hearts. then take the locket and put in around the base of the jar on the outside of it. 

then once that us done take the maple leaf (whatever you picked for favorite shade i mean) 
then say this once: oh i pray to goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, please tell me who my love is so to me, i pray this and offer you this gift (hold up the jar make sure nothing is out of place) so mote it be that you help me. 

once your done saying that put your jar under a tree with leaves of red and then take it out after two hours and once you pick up the jar with the locket place the locket around your neck and in about 1 day you will feel the necklace kind of ''tug'' at your neck when your facing or looking at a boy/girl. when the necklace tugs at that boy/girl you will know that he/she is the one for you/. 

Change your hair color

Info: Change your hair any color. The effects should start 10 - 60 minutes after the spell. After 2 days you should see highlights of that color until the color takes over the whole hair.
You will need:

  • candle of the color you want your hair to be
  • water
  • shampoo
  • towel
Casting instructions:
If your are reading this spell you want to change your hair. Take the candle of the color hair you want and light it. Wait till there is a handful of burning wax ( still runny ). Blow out the candle and pour the wax into the shampoo and shake. Pour water into the shampoo. Dip your finger into the shampoo and drag it across the lining of your hair. Take the towel and spread the shampoo back into the hair. Chant: The shampoo in the hair shows its true color. This color was meant for me so mote it be.

Sing beautifully spell

Info: This spell really works and basically says it all in the title it makes you sing even better and more beautifully than ever.
You will need:

  • voice
  • love to sing
  • believe
  • able to visualize
Casting instructions:
You need to meditate for 1 minute then say the following: Let my voice match up to the song Ive been wanting to sing all along 5x Ariana Grande 10x Then picture your lungs filing with colorful music notes then coming out your mouth and people applauding for you then clap 5x then snap 2x WARNING: Do not anything for five minutes or spell wont work.

Dragon Shifting (temporary)

Info: can turn you into a dragon in 1-3 days after spell
Casting instructions:
Chant this three times:
"O god,
mother nature,
and dragons i call to thee,
bestow on my another form,
this form will be a dragon,
but not any dragon,
my dragon,
May the transformation start immeadiatly,
or in 3 days,
and when i claw the earth three times,
may i revert back to my human self,
this is my will,
so as i say so mote it be!"

Call your dragon guardian

Info: This is to call upon a guardian dragon to protect anything.
You will need: Voice
Casting Instructions:
There are 3 stages to it.

First, The Sudden Need Incantation: 

This method is short and to the point. Usually used to protect the caster or another in a sudden crisis. 

"By Dragon wing and dragon claw, 
my defense is without flaw.
Shrouded by dragon might, 
remove me from enemy sight.
Fly before me, Dragon bright, 
and blind my foe with thy light.
Full of rage and terrible ire, 
burn my assailants with Dragon Fire." 
Dark and terrible be thy wrath, 
Dragon, protect me on my path."

Second, The Short Term Protection. 

This summoning is used for short term goals and needs such as protecting an object for a brief period, such as a car ride or elevator trip. Mark the object to be protected with the sign of the guardian and repeat the incantation below: 

"Gentle Guardian wise and strong 
keep it as it belongs. 
Safe within thy charge and care, 
the current venture to fare. 
No harm to come or ill to befall,
guarded and safe through it all."

Third, The Long Term Need: 

This form of summoning is closer to permanent as we would perceive it. Yet in this you must still work with a time frame in mind, however distant it may be. 

Guardian Dragons may be summoned in this fashion for protection of people places and things needing or deserving long term care (such as children, houses, spouses, etc). Multiple objects can be protected with but a change in grammar, but they should be together for a single dragon to protect (the objects become like a mini-horde). 

"Dragon brave and Dragon wise, 
let nothing escape your watchful eyes. 
I call to you from your hidden lair, 
(name object here) is entrusted to your care. 
Permit no harm to come to ( named object), 
in your presence may all evils take flight. 
No baneful creature born of flesh nor spirit
may touch (name object) nor even come near it. 
May those that would bring harm
be filled with fright and alarm."

Sunday, November 20, 2016

A dragon Protector

Info: this spell allows you to create your own dragon protector
You will need:

  • clay(potters)
  • a kiln (or something to slowly fire it)
  • paints
  • patience
  • a needle
Casting Instructions:

First meditate and clear your mind. Then use your minds eye and see your dragon protector. Take the clay in your hands and work it into the shape of your dragon. Open your eyes and add details like ears, spikes, scales, and eyes. Then slowly fire your dragon in your kiln. When it comes out paint your dragon any way you want. Take the needle and prick your finger. Squeeze a drop of blood where his Heart would be. Name him and call him to be. Repeat his name times three . Then say "as I will it come to be, as I call so mote it be". I'm not sure how long it takes for the life to go into it but when it does you will know. When you need protection call its name then say "as I made you you shall see ,I need protection so mote it be"

Love Attraction Magick Mirror Spell

Info: To find a new love or to strengthen your relationship
You will need:

  • a small hand mirror
  • a small photo of yourself
  • a piece of paper and pen
  • 2 red strings, threads, or cords
  • a red cloth
  • (If you're already in a relationship then get a small photo of your partner instead of the paper and pen)
Casting Instructions:
Step1. Set up a basic altar for yourself as usual.

Step2. Once you've cast your Magick Circle, place a photo of yourself face up on your altar.

Step3. Place the hand mirror on top of your photo, with the mirror part facing your photo. 

Step4. If you're looking for new love, take your piece of paper and write the specific qualities you are looking for in your soul mate. Do NOT name a specific person. Place the piece of paper on top of the mirror, with the writing facing down towards the back of the mirror. If you're already in a relationship, instead of using this piece of paper, place a photo of your partner on top of the mirror face down.

Step5. Wrap the 3 objects together with your red string or cord.

Step6. Wrap everything in your red cloth.

Step7. Now bind the entire package again with your 2nd red string or cord.

Step8. Bury everything underground (at least a few inches under the surface) next to an apple tree or a rose bush, or your favourite tree.

Create A Storm

Info: This may take awhile, this spell accelerates evaporation, and will only work in places with evaporation being possible.
You will need:

  • 8 ounces of water in a stove capable container
  • a stove set at 400 degrees Fahrenheit
  • a pinch of dust
Casting Instructions:
Take the pan with water and place it on the stove, let the water set until boiling. Then chant, water boil, water cling, to the dust, as I sing, not just here, but everywhere, just like this, at which I stare. Say this 3 times, and each time, release some of the dust. You must not say this quickly, or too slowly.

To Find Love

Info: to find your soulmate/one true love
You will need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 pink candle
  • 1 piece of paper with qualities of what you want in a soulmate written on it
  • 1 bowl of red, pink or both rose petals
Casting Instructions:

Light the candles and then chant:
"Aphrodite goddess of love hear my plead
Help me find the man/woman I need."

Then say list the qualities you have written out loud. Take the bowl of rose petals and scatter them outside on a windy day, as you chant:

"Please goddess let these petals find their way,
So that one day,
My soulmate can find me,
And to my heart he/she will be the key,
This is my will
So mote it be."

Keep the paper of qualities under your pillow, and look at them everynight before you go to sleep, until your soulmate comes.

*Remember to snuff out the candle, not blow it out*

Thursday, October 27, 2016

To draw a new love to you

Info: Charm bags, talisman bags or mojos, whatever tradition they come from, are useful in bringing about a certain result. Friday is the day of Venus and her specific hours are the eighth hour of the day and the third and tenth hour of the night.
You will need:
  • A small drawstring bag 
  • 5 rose petals 
  • A couple of pinches of catnip 
  • Heather Vervain 
  • 1 inch (5cm) piece of jasper or rose quartz

Casting instructions:
Your bag could be pink for love, or red for passion with your drawstring a different colour to add other qualities.

During the waxing phase of the Moon at your chosen time, put all the ingredients in the bag,then consecrate and charge the bag.

Wear it around your neck or keep it in your pocket.

To clarify relationships

Info: The art of braiding is one which can be used in spell making to represent many things. In this particular spell it is used to signify the coming together of three people and in the unbraiding an amicable resolution. In the use of colour the spell is focused either on the outcome or on the people concerned.
You will need:

  • 3 lengths of ribbon of suitable color
casting instructions:

Decide before you begin what it is you are trying to achieve. If it is important to bring people together,then as you are braiding you will concentration this. If it is seen as necessary for them to go their separate ways, while you are braiding you will concentrate on the intricacies of the situation and perhaps the ability to bring about open and frank discussion.

Once you have finished braiding, you have completely new object which is a representation of the relationship between the various parties. You should now dedicate the braid to the best outcome for that relationship. Put the braid somewhere safe for at least 72 hours, preferably in constant moonlight and sunlight.

Only when the reason for the spell is fulfilled(e.g.. reconciliation between people, full honest communication, a successful business partnership) can you think of dismantling the braid. As you undo it ask that the people involved can go forward in life in whatever way is appropriate for them, gaining what they have needed from their association.

You may of course wish to keep the braid without undoing it. Do not use the ribbons for other magical purposes. A braiding spell comes under the heading of a knot spell and is a gentle way of affecting the outcome of a situation. It is, of course, not necessarily a quick way of resolving anything but is often surprising in its outcome.

To attract a lover suited to you

Info: It will attract someone to you who would love you or lust after you. This person will have the qualities you would most like in a lover.
You will need:

  • 1 pen
  • 1 piece of paper
  • 1 fire proof bowl
  • 1 lighter or box of matches or a candle flame
Casting instuctions:

  • Write down on the piece of paper all the qualities, be they physical or mental, spiritual, etc that you would like in a lover.(This spell is not to draw or trap some specific person. Please do indulge yourself but at the same time be realistic.)
  • When you have listed all the qualities that you would like your ideal lover to have, read what you have written, allow it to make you happy as if you already have this person in your life.
  • Fold up the piece of paper and burn it, placing it in the burning bowl to burn safely.
  • As you watch it burn visualize gold, red and pink energy coming from the smoke and flames going up into the universe to find and draw this person to you(of their own free will). When it has all burned out; sit in a relaxed state and imagine this person being with you and you both being happy, as if it is happening now, do this for at least five or ten minutes.
  • Take the burning bowl containing the ashes outside and sprinkle them, while doing this visualize red, pink and gold energy flowing from the ashes into the universe to further search and bring this person to you of their own free will.

Monday, October 24, 2016

to heal a broken relationship

Info: this is a spell to heal a relationship between you and someone or two other people.
You will need:

  • pen/pencil
  • 1 piece of fabric
  • needle and string
  • scissors
  • the names of the two people
casting instructions:

Draw a heart on the fabric. Cut the fabric in half. Write the name of the people on their own half inside the heart. Then say "To repair a heart, means to repair a love, these two shall forever be one." Take the needle and string and slowly sew the halves back together. The whole time focus on how much they will love each other.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

see past life

Info: This spell helps you see your past life or the past. Its stronger in latin
You will need : blue candle (or white)
casting instructions:
Light the candle and chant:

Time in space, universes collide. Make me see who I was before my present day life. Element (your element) rise before me and let me see, the person that I used to be. Show me here, show me now. Take me back to my past life. So Mote it be!

(if you speak latin)
Vicis in tractus, universum offensus planto mihi animadverto quisnam ego eram pro meus tendo dies vita. Elementum Terra (earth) orior oriri ortus pro mihi quod permissium mihi animadverto, alio ut ego adsuesco assuesco exsisto. ostendo mihi hic, ostendo mihi iam. Take mihi tergum ut meus preteritus vita.

You will not immediately flash back, but you will gain knowledge and get hints about certain things. 
NOTE***** There will be side affects!
For example, headaches, and if your past life was in the civil war, you will become interested in the civil war and get a headache when anyone talks about it. Hope it helped!

Improve your singing voice (works for girls only)

Info: This works cause I tried it once.
You will need:

  • you
  • your voice
  • belief
Casting Instructions:
Sing this Ten Times and see your voice become better!

Oh Please Oh Please let this be, Oh Please Oh Please let me be,
let my voice be changed, to a beautiful singing meme.
Please Oh Please Oh Please let this be
So Mote It Be!!!

Better singing

Info: if you need helping singing, this spell is for you
You will need: Nothing
Casting instructions:
All you have to do is chant the following five times before singing: Let my voice match up to the song, Ive been wanting to sing all along.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Better musical voice

Info: make you sing better
You will need:

  • voice
  • passion
  • believe
Casting instructions:
relax and let go of all tention then say the following:

my voice needs improvment. like the moon it shall shine.
my voice ten times better. let it be mine

say 5 times

Twilight vampire prayer to your diety

Info: This is a prayer to your diety to ask for them to turn you into a twilight vampire
You will need:

  • belief
  • concentration
  • hope
Casting instructions:
1:calm down and chillax
2:fill your mind with what you want the end result to be
3:Say this spell once daily until you transform

Gods and Godesses(God and Goddess) I ask of you to grant me this-my wish
I wish for you to turn me into a vampire from the Twilight series
This would make me eternally thankful and I thank you for hearing my prayer.

I recommend to thank them with a small gift!(a small stone or a symbolic neclace)

Twilight vampire spell

Info: This spell is permanent so think about doing it, it isnt against god and transformation is painful will take about 3 hours blesses be.
You will need:

  • night time inside/outside full moon
  • belief and will
Casting instructions:
Go inside our outside let the full moon light glow on you then say this 5x. Goddes selene i ask u to fulfill my wish of becoming a twilight vampire with super speed super senses super strength immortality and one special gift of ur own so mote it be.

True twilight vampire spell

Info: It turns you into a vampire like in the twilight movies in seconds
You will need:

  • your voice
  • day or night
Casting instructions:

Spirits of the undead, I ask you please to turn me into a Vampire. My skin will be like granite unbreakable And PALE WHITE and Cold as ice. I will get one special gift which will be ??????. I can feed on both human and animal blood, I will be more beautiful then I was. If I bite a human and leave it alive the human will begin turning into a vampire. The transformation will be painful and will take three hours. I will have super strength, Super speed, Super senses and immortality. My eyes will be dark red if I drink human blood and golden if I drink animal blood and I will have 20/20 vision. I will sparkle in the sunlight TO BE EXPOSED. My teeth will be unbreakable and I will NOT have fangs, I will have normal teeth that are razor sharp. I will never sleep and eat again. And this is my will So mote it be!

Say it 10x

Vampire summoning

Info: This spell should summon a vampire to come to you wherever you are.
You will need:

  • a red candle
  • a drop of your blood
  • 1 picture of a pentagram
  • belief in magic
Casting instructions:
Put the picture of the pentegram on the table on front of you, light the candle put a drop of your blood on the picture of the pentegram and chant 3 times: oh vampire lord hear my prayer, send me a vampire to guard me. Oh dragon lord make it to where the vampire may walk in daylight while at my side, guarding me. This is my will so mote it be. Thank you for hearing my prayer. 
It may take 3days to a week before he or she will shoe up, this doesn't work for everyone so no hate mail if it doesn't work.

Vampire spell it works

Info: Good luck to all who does this spell
You will need:

  • moonlight from full moon
  • spell
  • believe
Casting instructions:

first look into the moon light and chant:Blood red, pail skin,moonlight draw me in,cwench my thirst ,coaring veins,let my body feel no pain

chant that 10x or more to be a alltomate vamp. and then in about 1-4 days youll be a vampire or vampress (it worked for me)
if it dont work heres another, chant it 1x-3x and i bet it works
chant: gods and godesses please oh please make me a vampire with sharp fangs and thirst for blood i burn in the sun if no protection ring i will see smoke and ashes falling from me if im in the sun,SOMOTE IT BE!!!!!!
it may or may not work their are side effectes e-mail me if u want to know my e-mail dont email me for any thing else please and thank you

Important information

Everyone who reads this blog, just to warn you I do not make the spells I post. I just find them and if they look interesting I post them. So if they work or if they don't. tell me please.
Thank you,
Jasmin Eddy

Become a newborn twilight vampire

Info: it has the power to turn you into a newborn vampire from the twilight saga you will be more powerful then outer vampires
You will need:

  • day or night time
  • voice
Casting Instructions:
Say it once 
Spirits of the undead, I ask you please to turn me into a Vampire. My skin will be like granite unbreakable PALE WHITE and Ice Cold. I will get one special gift which will be ??????. I can feed on both human and animal blood, I will be more beautiful then I was. If I bite a human and leave it alive the human will begin turning into a vampire. The transformation will be painful and will take 5 minutes. I will have super strength, Super speed, Super senses accelerated healing and immortality. My eyes will be bright red if I drink human blood and golden if I drink animal blood and black when I am hungry and I will have 20/20 vision. I will sparkle in the sunlight. My teeth will be unbreakable and I will NOT have fangs, I will have normal teeth that are razor sharp. I will never need sleep again. And this is my will So mote it be!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Hear me vampire mother

Info: summons the mother of vampires to turn you. She will only turn people that she thinks are good enough for the world of darkness. good luck.
You will need:
  • Night-time 
  • Full moon 
  • Loud, clear voice 
  • Clear mind

Casting instructions:

Say this 10 times between 10pm - 12am. While saying this think strongly about why you want to become a vampire.
"Mother of Darkness.
Hear my plea.
I wish to be a Vampire.
To have long fangs, red eyes and pale skin.
To sell my soul to you.
To thrive on blood.
To have super strength and speed.
So Mote it Be, So Mote it Be!"

This summons the Mother of all Vampires. She comes to you when the time is right and turns you if your good enough. You will only get these side effects if you are strong enough to become a vampire.

Side effects

Headaches; Migraines
Stomach aches
Visions of a shadowed woman coming to you
Light sensitivity 

Good Luck

Meet your spirit guide

Info: This spell is to summon your spirit guider which can aid you in the steps of your life.
You will need:
  • Altar Candle 
  • Day candle (whichever color for the day you be will doing your spell) 
  • (Monday-white Tuesday-red Wednesday-purple Thursday-blue Friday-green Saturday-black Sunday-yellow) 
  • Offertory Candles - 3 Violet candles, 3 White candles 
  • Tools: Athame, Exacto Knife, or needle to inscribe candles 
  • Props: Crystal ball or clear glass of water 
  • Incense: anise, cardamon, and coriander 
  • Oil: jasmine, lemon, rose, and sandalwood 
  • Bathing Herbs: cinnamon, frankincense, myrrh, and sandalwood

Casting instructions:
Timing: Best done during the Mercury hour of the day, although any hour should work. Any moon phase is appropriate.

Breathe deeply and build a ball of protective light around you. While soaking in your ritual bath, meditate on the whole ritual: the steps you will take and what you wish to say to your spirit guide when you make contact.

Enter the circle in the Hour of Mercury. Light the incense. With the oil, dress the Altar Candle and the Day Candle while concentrating on the purpose of the ritual. Light your Altar candle and your Day candle and state your intent:

"I am here to make contact with my Spirit Guide, and to acknowledge him or her"

With your Athame, inscribe Violet Candle #1 with the word "Spirit". Dress it with oil.
Light the Violet candle #1, direct your energies into it, and say:

"Here do I light the first Lamp of Spirit. May its light reach out across the barriers from this world to the next. May it make contact with that World of Spirit into which we will eventually enter"

Take your censer or incense wand and swing in around censing the whole area around the altar, while rhythmically repeating the word "Merge" and building up energy to focus.

Replace the censer and pick up Violet candle #2. Inscribe it with the word "Spirit" and dress it with the oil. Put it back on the altar, light it, direct your energy into it, and say:

"Here do I light the second Lamp of Spirit. May it's light also reach out across the barriers from this world to the next. May it make contact with that World of Spirit and help spread the light, illuminating the passageway between our worlds."

Again, take the censer or incense wand and cense the entire area around the altar while chanting the word "Merge" Build up your energy to focus. Take violet candle #3, inscribe with the word "Spirit", dress with oil, charge with your energy, light it and say:

"Here do I light the third Lamp of Spirit.
May its light also reach out across the barriers from this world to the next. May the light from these three lamps blend and grow, dispelling all darkness and lighting the way that my Spirit Guide may come to me and speak with me here today."

Inscribe the 3 white candles with the word "Truth" and anoint each candle with oil. Light the 3 white candles in order of 1, 2, 3, and say:

"Here do I build Truth. As these candles burn throughout this ritual, their power generates nothing but truth in all that transpires between this world and the next. Through these candles there is truth in all communications that come to me".

Again, cense the entire altar area while chanting the word "Merge".
Replace the censer and continue chanting. Sit comfortably while chanting, and gaze into the crystal ball, or the clear glass of water. Continue chanting until you feel it is right to let the chant taper off. Continue to quietly look into the crystal ball or glass, not trying to picture anything. Keep your mind blank, so whatever comes will appear will come in it's own free will. Gaze into the center of the crystal, there is no need to try not to blink. Look into the crystal and blink naturally. Try not to notice anything in your peripheral vision, just the center of the crystal. Eventually a face or figure will appear. This may take a long time, or it may appear almost immediately. If it doesn't come at all within approximately 20 minutes, abandon this attempt, extinguish the candles in the order in which they were lit, leave the altar set up, and try this ritual again in three days. You should have results within a month at most.

When a figure does appear, ask if he/she is your Spirit Guide. You will hear an answer. You may not hear it out loud, or even see the figures lips move, but you will be aware of the answer. This is how most of your conversation will proceed. You will ask your questions mentally (or out loud) and the answers will be clear inside your mind.

Ask if you have more than one spirit guide. If yes, ask them to appear also. You may ask anything you wish to know, but it is suggested to establish a connection first where your Spirit Guide may appear to you at any time, or at specific times, so that you can converse with other spirits through him/her. When you have finished speaking with your Guide, thank him/her, then sit for a moment with your eyes close meditating on all that you have learned. Extinguish the candles in reverse order to clear the circle.
Blessed Be

Summon a cat familiar

Info: This spell will help you get a familiar spirit in the form of a cat that only you can see. You can choose every detail about this cat and have a deity bring him or her to life and send him or her to you. This only will work if you believe, or you won't get your cat. Read the following note in my description before you get started.
You will need:
  • Two sheets of paper 
  • Black Ink Pen 
  • Pencil 
  • Crayons or Colored Pencils 
  • Imagination 
  • Belief in this spell

Casting Instructions:
Gather the materials needed.

With your pencil, draw your cat on one sheet of paper.
Color your cat with the crayons or colored pencils.

With your pen, write your cat's information on the other sheet of paper. Be sure to include the following.
-Cat Breed(If it is a crossbreed, include percentages of each breed!)
-Height(The top of the cat's ears are its height.)
-Tail Span
-Fur Color
-Eye Color

Put your cat picture on top of the paper with its information.
Fold them both hamburger style twice in this position, draw a pentagram, and fold once hot dog style once.

Hold this folded paper to your chest and say,

"O (name of your god/goddess), I call upon thee,
Bless me with this familiar cat bound to me."

Now, for tonight and the next two nights, say the above, kiss the paper, put it under the pillow and rest.

After you have finished, you need to give your deity time to create your cat. The average wait time is about a week, but if your chosen cat is very intricate, you may be required to wait longer. Also, you'll be able to use telepathy with your cat the day after you finish as the spirit of your cat already exists, but your deity will need a little longer to make the cat's new body.

After three days, you must begin looking for your cat. This is the hardest part as your cat will be a kitten and just like a lost pet kitten, they are hard to find. Just look for the same cat you drew earlier but as a kitten and way more realistic. Use telepathy to call your cat to you. If you don't find your cat by the next week, it will eventually find you.

This familiar will already know how to protect you and other people. Your cat will never betray you, and even when you think you don't want him or her anymore, he or she will be very sad but still by your side. Remember, train your familiar well in the ways of your path, and he or she can benefit others. Only you can see it, so keep your cat a secret.

Let me see you (spirit animal)

Info: This is a chant to find out your spirit animal
You will need:

  • strong belief
  • voice
  • special place ( garden, room, etc)

Casting instructions:
I'm not sure if this works, but mail me if you have any questions.
Close your eyes & breathe deeply. After about 3 second, with your eyes still closed, chant 3-4 times:
Spirit animal i cannot see,
please show thy self to me
spirit animal i cannot hear
please give me words, there is no fear
protect me, guide me whenever & everywhere
be it owl, dolphin, wolf or bear
Doesn't matter what you are
i trust you to watch me from afar
spirit animal i cannot see
i want to see you, so mote it be

Spell to find your soul mate

Info: Ah, sweet love! A spell to find a soulmate suited to...
You will need:

  • A clear mind and focused goal 
  • Special paper, such as hemp, cotton, real parchment, whatever you deem special 
  • A ritual writing instrument (the pen is mightier than the Athame) such as quill, fountain pen, favorite ball-point, etc. In whatever color ink desired. 
  • Moon Incense 
  • Charcoal or a small ritual fire

  • Casting instructions:
    Timing: any time, preferably after dark during the waxing moon. The timing is more flexible with this working for many reasons; the nature of the work, and the full moon energy contained in the moon incense which is an incense of Increase or drawing.

    Reinforce your personal circle/aura and prepare for workings in your usual manner. Using the ritual pen and special paper, write words of power that will call the most perfect partner to you at this time. Do not include specific names, and avoid thinking of a specific person. If you can't find quite the right words, use the following:

    If there be a perfect match,
    this work tonight will surely catch.
    the perfect one who is meant to be,
    shall find His/Her way home to me.
    In perfect love and perfect trust,
    I send this out, but not from lust,
    This spell will guide us to unite,
    free will remains with us tonight.

    When you are finished, read over what you wrote and confirm that everything you want to say is included. When you are certain it is as you wish, spend some time meditating on your goal while you light your ritual fire or the charcoal. When you get "that feeling" (the one when you know everything is right, your will is focused, you know it is certain, you know the feeling...) prepare to begin the physical aspect of the ritual. When the fire has become coals, or the charcoal is glowing happily, read aloud your writing, repeating it 3 times. As you read, or as you come to the end of each repetition, sprinkle a small handful (about a tablespoon) of the Moon Incense on the fire. You will want to be practiced at this for the best effect as well as safety, so make up a full recipe of it and accustom yourself to its nature prior to the rite.

    Fold the paper and keep it near you for three days. Keep it under your pillow, mattress, or pinned to your night clothes (if you aren't sky/star clad) while you sleep. After three days, light another ritual fire, repeat the Circle of Power/Protection, reading and incense procedure and this time, burn the paper when you are done. OR you can keep the paper in a special spell box if you use this method. Many witches have special containers to keep finished workings in. These are usually decorative and personalized with engravings or painting on them that echo their contents. For example, a heart shaped heartwood box with runes and magickal symbols of love on it for this spell. Usually only similar spells are kept together, or each spell is kept in its own box.

    Recall the dead

    Info: recall the dead and talk to them
    You will need:

    • black mirror
    • three black candles
    • azan flower
    • quran
    • meditation

    Casting instructions:
    Light the black candles and place the Azan flower between them , infront of the black mirror . Repeat three times the verse (Ghafir, Chapter #40, Verse #68) from the Quran "It is He Who gives life and causes death. And when He decides upon a thing He says to it only: ?Be!? ? and it is. " . After repeating it with Strong voice three times you shall close your eyes and meditate . After a while you will be able to communicate with the dead.

    Monday, September 26, 2016

    Mihans growth spell

    Info: at less five minutes you will become taller
    You will need:

    • Just your voice
    Casting Instructions:

    I'm short I'm short I'm short
    I'm tall I'm tall I'm tall
    I'm short to people and tall to me. 
    So please make me grow at least (---------) inch

    Chant this three times


    Info: Attracts your soul mate
    You will need:

    • a picture of your soul mate
    • your affection
    • dark room
    • bed

    Casting instructions:
    Go to your room and sit on your bed. Lie down and hold the picture up and stare at it. 
    Chant his name 5 times or her name.
    Lie the picture down.
    Meditate for 5 minutes thinking about him running up to you and saying i love you
    Call him her on the phone.
    Tell him your affection hang up as soon as you say it
    He will try to call u back.
    Wait till next day to call him
    Tell hkm you love him and chant in your head him saying i love you too.
    He will say i lov,e you too.

    Succubus girlfriend

    Info: This article will help you to understand little about succubus, I will teach you how to summon succubus and later how to make her your girlfriend. Categories: Dream, Sexual and Erotic.

    You will need:
    • A private room [recommend] 
    • A lockable room [recommend] 
    • A quiet room [essential] 
    • A bed [recommend] 
    • White Candle [optional] 
    • Incense [optional] 
    • Meeting all requirements [essential]

    Casting instructions:


    essential Absolutely necessary and extremely important.
    recommend Offering suggestions about the best course of action.
    optional Available to be chosen but not obligatory.

    wikipedia: In folklore traced back to medieval legend, a succubus (plural succubi) is a female demon or supernatural entity that appears in dreams, who takes the form of a human woman in order to seduce men, usually through sexual intercourse. The male counterpart is the incubus. Religious traditions hold that repeated intercourse with a succubus may result in the deterioration of health or even death.

    Personal experience: I had succubus appeared in my dreams many time since 2003 succubus took the form of a human woman in order to have sexual intercourse, In a simple word I had sexual intercourse with woman in my dream lol I am happy and in a good health.

    other notes: I'm not religious, in my opinion succubus are part of djinn group, in my opinion they are being of fire (pure fire or smokeless fire).

    1. You are 18 or over, If under 18 you must have your parents or guardians permission.
    2. You are heterosexual.
    3. Willing to have sexual intercourse with supernatural entity.
    4. You have little or more experience in the following; meditation, void meditation and lucid dreaming.

    This works best at any moon phase, best after sunset and before sunrise.

    Step #1:

    Get in your quiet private room lock the door, light your candle and burn your incense.

    Step #2:

    Lay on your back on the bed with your face towards the ceiling.

    Step #3:

    See that your body is placed comfortably on the mattress.

    Step #4:

    Spread your legs apart approximately 45 degrees from each other.

    Step #5

    Close your eyelids and take a deep breath count to three and exhale.

    Step #6

    State your intentions quietly in your mind.

    Step #7

    Now start imagining your succubus the way you want to see her in your mind?s eye. Imagine her lying on top of you naked caressing your body. Feel her soft touch on your body and genitals. Listen to her voice as she tells you how much she loves you.

    Go over this mental image for about 5 minutes and do not get tempted to touch yourself.

    Step #8

    If in the 5 minutes time you start feeling a sort of presence or tingle you don?t normally feel over your body or it might also be a feeling of joy and love that surrounds you. 

    It means you have created you first connection.

    Step #9

    Once the 5 minutes are out, simply lay there and focus on your breathing for 10 minutes.

    Step #10

    Gently and slowly regain normal consciousness and come back to the room.

    Whether it worked or not, try practicing this daily if possible and very soon your experiences will get more intense.

    Step #11

    After 20 days of non-stop practicing if you still feel nothing try my SuccubusGirlfriend2.

    Incubus boyfriend 3

    Info: This article will help you to understand little about incubus, I will teach you how to summon incubus and later how to make him your boyfriend. Categories: Summon, Sexual and Erotic.

    You will need:
    • A private room [recommend] 
    • A quiet room [essential] 
    • White Candle no tealights [essential] 
    • Incense [optional] 
    • Paper [essential] 
    • Pen [essential] 
    • Needle [essential] 
    • Meeting all requirements [essential]

    Casting instructions:

    essential= Absolutely necessary and extremely important.
    recommend= Offering suggestions about the best course of action.
    optional= Available to be chosen but not obligatory.

    Personal experience: I had succubus appeared in my dreams many time since 2003 my succubus like any other succubus likes takeing the form of a human woman in order to have sexual intercourse with you, I am happy with my succubus and in a good health. I'm not a religious person but in my personal opinion succubus are part of djinn group and they are being of fire (pure fire or smokeless fire) I say this because my succubus told me so.

    1. You are 18 or over, If under 18 you must have your parents or guardians permission.
    2. You are heterosexual.
    3. Willing to have sexual intercourse with supernatural entity.
    4. You have little or more experience in the following; meditation, void meditation and lucid dreaming.

    This works best at any moon phase, best time 3am.

    I have received few private message asking if there was any quick way of summoning a incubus. YES, however I do not recommend this for newbies and under 18's or anyone without any experience with the supernatural.

    If you have any little kids sleeping nearby then DO NOT DO THIS IN YOUR APPARTMENT!!!!!!

    NOTE: I never done this, well I never summoned a incubus.

    Light the candle in the dark quiet room. sit in comfortable position, clear your mind and start formulating what you want in your mind.

    You have to write a letter to Lillith, do not command her or tell her to obey you and please don't be stupid like saying I order you and etc...

    Always show respect, respect, respect an example

    Great Lillith, I seek your blessing, I ask a favour of you if it please you, etc...

    Right your thoughts to paper, there is no set limit on how much you should write, request your hearts desire and again adressing Lillith and thanking her for considering your request.

    End the letter with the following sentance:

    ?All these words are my deepest desire, I mean them truthfully and swear to them in name and blood.?

    Sign the paper in your full birth name and then prick your finger with the needle and let one drop of blood soak into the paper.

    NOTE: Intent is the KEY.

    After you have finished with your letter, lay it infront of the candle and begin to meditate. Take your time and concentrate on everything you wrote. Focus your desire on the letter. Once you feel you are ready then say the following

    ?Lillith, please receive this offering. I give it truthfull and willingly.?

    Burn the paper without folding it. While it is burning say:

    ?May the light of this candle burn brightly and guide your son to me?.

    IMPORTANT: Make sure you leave the candle burning for at least another 30 minutes. Relax yourself and clear your mind.

    Things to expect: You may feel small gusts of cold air brush your cheeks. A tingling on your skin that feels as if your hairs have been gently touched.

    At some stage your arrousal will become so strong that you will loose concentration, If that is the case then say the following

    ?I thank you son of Lillith for coming to me. I welcome you into my life and into my dreams and ask all other spirits, demons and entities who have been attracted to my ritual to begone and leave in peace.?

    Blow out the candle and then go to bed.

    If you felt something during the ritual you will feel it starting up again. Relax, lay on your back and let it happen. How far you take it depends on how far you can relax, he may touch you and interact with you.

    Do not push it. If you feel that you cannot experience more then just his touching you then accept it and anticipate your next encounter.