Friday, September 23, 2016

A Spell to Increase Your Psychic Abilities

This spell is intended to help you increase your intuition and psychic abilities.
 You will need:
4 purple candles
1 white candle
Frankincense or jasmine incense
A notebook
This spell should be done during a full moon or a waxing moon.

Psychic Ability Spell

Centre and ground yourself first, then cast your circle.  Place the four purple candles around you, corresponding to north, east, south and west.  Light the stick of incense, and place the white candle in front of you.  Light all the candles, then clear your mind while gazing at the flame of the white candle.
Now visualise your third eye (which is in the middle of your forehead, the place where your innate psychic abilities reside)  absorbing the energy of the white candle, then chant the following:
“Vision of future present and past,
Psychic spirit I do cast,
To hear the unheard and see the unseen,
Psychic powers strong and keen,
I open to see all with my third eye,
Psychic bonds to me I wish to tie,
Unbind my spirit and my mind,
So that my visions shall no longer be confined,
Let my visions and dreams come before the rising sun,
As I cast let my will be done,
Pychic powers I invoke thee,
It is done. So mote it be”
Once you are done with this ritual, blow out the candles and close the circle.
Take the notebook and keep it close to your bed.   Start recording any messages you might get in your dreams, as soon as you wake up. While they may seem cryptic at first, your visions and psychic messages will become stronger in the coming days, especially if you are meticulous about noting them down.

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