Sunday, April 30, 2017

Magic: General Info: The Moon

The importance of the Moon and Lunar Calendars.
We all know of the Moon, but it is such a common sight that we have forgotten some of its most important aspects.  Every ancient culture used the Moon as the base of their calendar, not the Sun as we do today, and there was great reason to do so.
To understand the importance of the Moon, we first need some facts:
  • It takes the Moon 27.5 days to orbit the Earth, but,
  • It takes the Moon 29.5 days to cycle though all of its phases (because in the time between the Earth has moved relative to the Sun)
  • Because the Moon's orbit is not a perfect circle, those numbers above are not exact.  From "Full Moon" to "Full Moon" may be as quick as 28 days or as long as 31.
  • The Moon (and Sun) causes the tides.  The water level on ocean beaches can change as much as 15 or more metres in some locations.  Even lakes can see tides of a few inches.
Today's Calendar
The calendar we use today to track days, months and years is loosely based on the Sun and Earth's position relative to the Sun.  I use the term "loosely based" because if it were truly based on the Sun then the new year would be celebrated at the moment of an Solstice (the point where either the Norther or Southern Hemisphere is maximally exposed to the Sun) or Equinox (the point in time where the North and South Hemispheres are equally exposed).  Indeed we do recognize these periods in time, they are the first days of Winter, Summer, Spring and Autumn.
And a reader may question if it is truly a significant difference.  Since the first day of Winter is December 21, and the first day of a new year is January 1, one could argue that we do use a true Solar Calendar, just offset by 11 days.  However, that is not the case.  Many people reading this right now just said to themselves, 'HA!  The first day of Winter is December 22, not 21' and they are correct.
When the seasons change, for example from Winter to Spring, you may hear or read something in the news which states, "Spring begins today at 7:46am".  Have you ever asked yourself what is so special about 7:46am?  The reason there is a time (whatever that time may be) is because that is the exact moment when the alignment of the Sun and the Earth happened such that the tilt of the Earth's equator is exactly parallel to the plane in which Earth orbits (or less technically the exact moment Spring begins).
The important thing to remember is that this is an exact moment in time, and that it is exactly the same moment for the entire Earth.  The first moment of Spring (or any season) is the exact same moment for everyone.  So it may be 7:46am to you, but for someone in a different time zone it may be 8:46, or even a different day if they live far enough away.
This is where the difference of our calendar and a truly Solar Calendar differ.  When New Year's Eve comes around, celebrations are held around the world at different times to celebrate the exact moment of the new year; the new year is not a single moment which the entire Earth celebrates.
In practice this doesn't matter, unless you want to understand the Moon and Lunar Calendars and their importance.  In this case it is very important.
Lunar Calendars
A Lunar Calendar is actually a combination of what I called a True Solar Calendar above, and a calendar based on the phase of the moon.
If you want any sort of calendar to track time over periods of years you really do need something based on the Sun.  Afterall, you want Summer to be at the same generally time of the year each year.  However, instead of basing their calendars only on the Sun, every ancient culture also used the Moon, and we can still see remnants of that today.
For example: Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first Full Moon in the Northern Hemispheres' Spring.  The Chinese New Year is celebrated on the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice (or sometimes the 3rd, this is a much more complex calculation involving the Sun as well)
So what is a Lunar Calendar?
In short, it is a calendar based on the seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter) and the Moon phase.  From full moon to full moon is one month (in fact, you may have heard before that the word Month actually comes from the word Moon, and this is why).  This means that sometimes a month is 28 days, sometimes 30, but most of the time it is 29 days but that's not a big deal, even our calendar today has a different number of days each month.  It also means that sometimes the "Month" can change at 12:00 midnight one month, but the next month start at 7:46am, because the change of a season is an exact moment in time which happens world wide at the same time.  Again, this is not a big deal and you will soon find out why.
So we can now create our Solar Year to be from the exact moment of the start of a season to the beginning of the next, same, season.  For example from Winter to Winter, or Summer to Summer, or Spring to Spring, or Autumn to Autumn.  It doesn't matter which we choose.
And now the moment we have all been waiting for.... we bring in the Moon.  Each season lasts a little more than 91 days and each Moon cycle lasts 29.5 days (on average).  Therefore, each season has 3 Moon cycles and thus is 3 months long.  And we can name these three full Moons, and so we will name them the Early Full Moon, the Middle Full Moon and the Late Full Moon.
So the question must be asked, why did all these ancient cultures use a Lunar Calendar?
Have you ever watched a nature show on television?  Maybe it was about turtles in the ocean?  And they say that (for example) the turtles always return to the island they were born on the first full Moon of Spring to lay their eggs?
Or maybe a certain fish which spawns only during the second full Moon in summer?
And this full Moon obsession is not just limited to ocean going creatures.  In fact most animals have their breeding, or birth giving, or other lively functions based on the phases of the Moon (and the season; important!).  Even plant life follows this plan with many farmers planting crops based on moon phases and not exact dates on calendars.
There are many reasons for this in nature for animal life.  For example, coming out of hiding at night to breed or give birth helps to avoid predators, and doing so in a full moon helps them find mates and in the case of the new borns find shelter, parents, the ocean or food.  But reason or cause is not important right here and now, only acceptance that this is fact; that all of nature naturally runs on a Lunar calendar, a calendar based on Moon phases and season.
And so, this is importance of a Lunar calendar, and why every ancient culture used the Lunar calendar to keep track of time.  Because all of nature uses this calendar ancient man could schedule hunts, harvests, trades and all aspects of their life by it.
..... almost ......
The Blue Moon
Did someone tell you that a blue moon was the 2nd full moon in a month that had 2 full moons?  They are wrong.  That is not what a blue moon is.  Remember, that when our calendar changes months it happens at a different time to different people around the world.  But a full Moon happens at an exact time, just like the way Season changes happen at an exact time.  So a blue moon based on our calendar does not make sense because based on the time zone you are in, you either have a blue moon or not.
For example, assume the second full moon happens at 11:30pm on August 31 for you (and you think this is a blue moon), and you are standing on the time zone border with someone who is in the time zone ahead of you.  For them the full moon happens at 12:30am (after midnight) on September 1st, and it is the first full moon of September and not a blue moon.  How can two people who are only a couple feet away from each other be looking at two different moons?  Do you see now, how foolish it is to think that a blue moon is the second full moon in a single month?
Ok, so what is a Blue Moon, for real?
As described above, we have a Lunar Calendar with seasons that last about 91 days, and three Moon cycles lasting about 29.5 days each.  But, there is a problem.  If a "Season" has 91 days, and the average Moon cycle (from Full moon to Full moon) is 29.5 days, then every now and again a "Season" will have 4 full moons, not 3.  In fact, this will happen 7 times every 19 years.  And this causes a problem.
Remember that we named the 3 full Moons as follows: Early, Middle and Late.  And we said that something that happens in the Early Spring Full Moon always happens during the Early Spring Full Moon, and something that happens in the Late Full Moon will always happen during the Late Full Moon.  But what happens when there are 4 full Moons that Spring?
What happens in Summer?  Everything that happens in the Early Full Moon in Summer (First Full Moon) must still happen during the Early Full Moon.  But there have been 4 full Moons since Spring, not 3.  How does nature cope?  Do things that happen in the Early (First) Full Moon in Summer happen in the now 4th full Moon of Spring instead?  Suddenly, the year is one month longer than normal and there is chaos.
Well not really, it turns out nature has an answer.  It turns out that nature just "knows".  And in this example where Spring has 4 full Moons, the Moons are named: Early, Middle, Blue, Late.  So everything that was suppose to happen in the Early Full Moon of Spring still happens then, and the same for the Middle and Late Full Moons of Spring, and when Summer comes next, everything which was suppose to happen during the Early Full Moon of Summer still happens during that full Moon.
A Blue Moon is the 3rd full Moon in a Season which has 4 full Moons.
In this example, the 3rd full Moon in Spring is a Blue Moon.  And what happens during a Blue Moon?  Quite simply, nothing.

Magic: General Info: Tools Used in Magickal Workings: Staff

This will cover how one goes about the making of a staff.

  1. Obtain the wood that thou shalt use.
  2. There are several ways that thou canst go about acquiring the wood.
  3. The wood needs to be at least as tall as thee minimum (yet it may be taller).
  4. Absolute straightness is not required.
  5. Not any type of wood is best to use, thou needst look up the meanings of different woods.
Thou mayest find a stick on the ground to use or thou mayest cut a branch from a tree. If thou choosest the latter method, then it would be wise, though not mandated, that thou thankest the tree for its wood. Also, thou shouldst cut the stick using thy Magickal Knife, if at all possible.  If not, use a saw that thou hast consecrated and/or purified.
One other form that thou mayest use, though it be exceedingly rare to obtain, is to find an entire tree that hath no more growing life in it and is small in diameter, and pluck it out, including the stump.
When obtaining a staff, if thou art cutting it, then thou needst to cut during dawn or twilight.  Now, thou must also cut the stick at the right lunar phase (full moon for healing, new moon for destruction, if thou wantest to do both, then cut when the moon is 50% full). It must also, for best results, be done in midsummer.
2. Prepare the new staff
Shave the bark off of the wood using thy Magickal Knife (not thine Athame, unless thou be a practitioner of Kitchen Witchcraft).
Once thou hast finished, sand the wood down to where it be smooth.
3. Infuse the wood with thine own life energy.
Visualize thine energy coursing through the wood and bonding with it.
4. (Optional) Elementally charge thy new staff.
a. Create a Circle of Magick and summon the Elements into the circle. Ask them to charge the staff with their energies. Thank, and dismiss the Elements. Close the Circle.
b. (Advanced) Create an Orb of tempered glass that doth tightly fit about the tip of thy staff and fill it with the substance of thy desired element. For example: if thou wantest a staff of water, fill the orb with water. After thou hast done this, firmly place the front end of thy staff into the opening of the orb and tightly wrap it shut, use woolen string for the best effect.
5. (Optional) Carve symbols onto thy staff.
6. (Optional) Take a leather pouch filled with charged gemstones and attach it to thy staff.
7. (Optional) Hollow out a little bit of the forward end of thy staff and set a crystal point stone in it (glue and any other methods may be used).
8. (Recommended) Allow thy staff to come to full power by charging it with the moon.  Do this by allowing it to sit three days under the Full Moon (positive working staff), three days under the New Moon (negative working staff), or three days under Full and New Moons (neutral staff)  OR 60 hours under both Full and New Moons (neutral staff).
9. (Optional) Decorate thy staff.

Magic: General Info: Basic Rules to Follow During Wand Creation

Some helpful rules to take into account when creating a wand.
  1. Never kill a young tree for the purpose of your wand.
  2. Always take the smallest branch you can, or the smallest part of the branch that you can.
  3. When carving the wand, always try to collect the shavings and compost them.
  4. Choose a wood that you feel reflects the wand's purpose
  5. Never use a rotting or moldy stick for a wand .

  • To kill a young tree to serve your pleasures and needs is wrong when you can take an old tree or use a branch that a tree casts off naturally. This wounds the environment and reflects badly, both karmic-ly and morally, on you.
  • Taking more than you need is wasteful and has the same problems as killing a young tree, albeit on a lesser scale.
  • This waste is unavoidable but you should still try to integrate it back into the environment to help new plants grow.
  • This will make sure the wood matches your intentions to offer the best results.
  • Moldy or rotting sticks will mess up the magic that you channel through the wand not to mention the dangers of infection.

Magic: General Info: Necromancy

An informative article on necromancy.
Necromancy can be divided into two main branches: Divination by means of ghosts, and divination from corpses. The second method leads to the disinterment of corpses and rifling of graves for grisly charms which magicians and witches consider necessary for the effective performance of the magical arts.
Necromancy is a universal practice of great antiquity, only the profoundly initiated, brave and single-minded magician has any chance of success in such a venture, always considered to be extremely dangerous, for not only is a pact with the Devil necessary, but it is thought that the ''astral corpse'' has an intense desire to live again and could, by absorbing life-energy from living creatures, prolong its life indefinitely, thus, unless he has taken adequate precautions, the magician might be in great danger. To evoke the dead the magician needs to obtain the help of powerful spirits, both for his own protection and to compel the corpse or ghost to submit to his will.
A spell from ancient Greece calls upon the powers of the mighty Kore, Persephone, Ereshkigal, Adonis, Hermes and Thoth, to bind the dead. According to a ritual described by Seneca, the Roman dramatist, the summoning of the dead involves not only a burnt sacrifice but a blood-drenched altar.
Scent and odors must be carefully produced from burning substances for their powerful influences. Elaborate preparations include careful study of the positions of the planets, and especially of the moon and the influence of Saturn. The site for the operation has to be chosen with care, the most favorable is some lonely crossroads, a vault, a ruin, an unfrequented forest, or a blasted heath. Once a time is decided upon for the operation, a series of concentric circles of power must be drawn on the ground within which are inscribed crosses and other symbols, together with holy names of God. The circle must be blessed and consecrated, with the magician and his assistant standing at its center, protected by the holy names from all danger.
Then, wand in hand, the magician summons the dead to rise, using names of power. Eliphas Levi and other magicians have suggested the need for some attempt at identification between the living and the dead, as for example the presence of a portrait, and a portion of bread which the ghost would be invited to consume. In his evocation, the magician summons the dead by name and, if he is successful, he has to face the frightening ordeal of a phantom screaming and gibbering with rage at having been compelled against its will to return to the realms of the living. Sometimes the dead appears in the shapes of furious beasts raging about the circle and threatening to tear the sorcerer to pieces. When the dead finally decides to submit to the magician's will he often becomes transformed into a naked men who is willing to answer the questions put to him.
After the operation it is necessary to dismiss the dead, who usually vanishes amid clouds of sulfur. Under no circumstances the magician should leave the protection of the magic circle before this. He also has to remove all flowers from the place and after burning them, to bury the ashes deeply in the earth. The whole operation is fraught with terrible dangers, for the slightest departure from the rites could involve the destruction of the operator and even inflict injuries upon his soul.
Information found at:

Magic: General Info: Types of Magick

this is for the beginners as to wot is some of the different types of magick and also a refresher for others 
Types of MagickBinding Magick: Binding magick is not the most recommended practice. To bind is to keep someone from doing something ? almost like putting a wall between them and the chosen thing. This is a very restrictive magick and is often very unethical if used for the wrong reason. It is never to be taken lightly as it is long lasting, often very strong and can cause the law of three to see retribution against you.
Candle Magick: Candle magick is often used in spells and rituals and can be influenced by the shape, colour, scent and number of candles.
Crystal/Stone Magick: Just as herbal magick can be very divers, as can crystal magick. There are a multitude of crystals, stones and metals that can be used for many purposes through either simply invoking the energies of the crystals or crystal elixirs.
Dream Magick: Dream magick is usually incredibly useful for tapping into the astral and one?s own psyche. Through dream magick, you can connect to the hidden secrets of your mind and to realms you can?t access through the physical.
Elemental Magick: Elemental magick is one of the less commonly used magick outside of rituals. Usually in the beginning of a ritual, the elements are invoked and called into the circle for their blessings. However, outside the circle elemental magick can be used by invoking the essential energy of the elements for their specific magicks.
Glamour Magicks: Glamouries were originally used by the fey in order to disguise themselves when playing tricks and to hide from humans. Now that there are many fae otherkin and humans have come in contact with the fae, a few humans are able to work a glamourie. They can be as simple and subtle as disguising a small scar or large as changing your eye or hair colour. Often they can be used to even inspire desire in another human being. However, as useful as glamours can be, very few people can actually naturally work them.
Herbal Magick: Herbal Magick, in my opinion is one of the most useful magicks around. Usually herbal magic is employed through incense, tinctures or a long list of other herbal products in order to invoke their essences. If you?re ever having trouble finding something to work magick with for a very specific purpose, look through your favourite herbal magick book and you?ll almost definitely find something to help you.
Knot Magick: Knot magick is a very ancient practice that usually is based on the number of knots tied on a cord, usually with purposes for each knot.
Healing Magick: Healing magic can be accomplished through a variety of methods. It can be done through straight energy transfer (reiki and other methods), poppet magick, herbal magick, crystal magick and almost every other magick type for often wonderful results.
Poppet Magick: Poppet magick was popularized in the practice of voodoo but has been used in many different magickal systems in history. Usually ?poppets? are made of cloth or was and are activated with a possession (be it an object or a hair clipping etc) to attach the energy of a person to the poppet.
Protection Magick: If you?re into astral travel and questing or even have a malicious gossiper following you this can be a very useful kind of magick. It employs all other types of magick and can be worked in various degrees of difficulty.
Sex Magick: Sex magick is a wonderful creative force because it taps into the act that essentially recreates humanity over and over. However, sex magick is never to be taken lightly as it is a very powerful type of magick and can create some serious physical, emotional and magickal consequences.
Weather Magick: For most people, weather magick is one of the most difficult types of magick to work. As the title speaks of, weather magick obviously has to do with controlling the elements in order to change the weather for certain purposes. This kind of magick is difficult for a reason: it is not to be taken lightly as weather systems in one area usually can affect the whole world in a domino effect.

Magic: General Info: Tools

A list of witches tools used in spells and rituals
A table, that is used in rituals to hold all tools and ingredients needed for the ritual or spell.
Anointing stick
A piece of Greenwood, with one end mashed, used to apply oil to things.
Black handled, double edged dagger, knife that is strictly a ritual tool used to work with energies. It is a symbolic representative of the element of fire. It can be used as a tool for laying down a circle and also as a symbol representing the male aspect. Athames can be used to invoke the quarters, release the quarters, and are customarily used to assist with blessing the waters of life inside of the chalice, this blessing being symbolic of the Great Rite.
Bolline or Boline
Also known as the white-handled knife or Goddess knife. The witches working knife. Generally used for cutting herbs, cords, carving candles, sacred cakes, etc. Used for physical cutting where the Athame is used in energy working.
Book of Shadows
Traditionally hand copied book of rituals, recipes, training techniques, guidelines, and other materials deemed important to a Witch or a coven. Each tradition has it's own standard version of the Book and each Witch's book will be different as he or she adds to it with time from many different sources.
The Witches broom is used for sweeping any harmful energies from the area that the broom is cleansing I.E.... House, room, circle, sacred space etc. Of course on the practical side you can use it too to sweep your floors.
The cauldron represents the gift of birth, death and rebirth, also knowledge and inspiration. The cauldron is a female aspect and is a symbolic representative of water, and it may also be used as a representation of fire. It is often referred to in connection with Cerridwen. It is used for containing ritual fires or holding items to be ?charged?. It can be used to hold water for cleansing or scrying.
The censer is a container in which incense is burned. The censer sits on the Altar, but is walked around the circle, for this reason, many prefer Hanging Censers. The burning of the incense purifies the air and helps to bring on the correct mental state for circle casting.
The chalice or cup is representative of the female aspect and represent the element of Water. It is used to hold the waters of life, and is used again in the symbolic ritual of the Great Rite. Once the waters of life have been blessed during ritual, the chalice is often passed around the circle so that all may share in it by symbolically ingesting the Goddess and the bringing of the Goddess within.
Mainly used in spells or for handfasting's. Most cord ceremonies are Magickal, and non-religious in nature, although some of these magickal rites are added to rituals.
Located on the side of your wrist opposite your arm, usually used in ritual with the first two fingers extended and the thumb holding the other two, I've included "hand" as a tool because it's used so often and is considered to be "different" when used this way. When using your hand instead of an athame ? or wand, visualize it as a focus point for all of your energy. The hand has the unique benefit of being the one tool you probably already have.
The Crown of Stars is worn by the priestess in a ceremony invoking the Goddess; the Horned Helm is the masculine form. They often represent Herne or Pan, and Diana, and are omitted by traditions using other gods. A Crown of Stars shows the crescent moons and the moon full, or a horned moon, often with stars around the band. A horned helm is usually what could be called a "Viking" helm, or the "Helm of Herne" which uses a deer's head and neck. Other jewelry like rings or necklaces can be worn to help transform the state of mind.
Anointing oils are usually vegetable based, and are charged with energy and used to convey that energy to something else. In one rite, for instance, Clary Sage is used to anoint the head of a Priest that he may think his way through a difficult scenario. Oils for clear thought are commonly used on the forehead of members of a circle. Sage, Jasmine and Pine are common.
A disc shaped talisman; in particular a piece of clay, wood or metal used on the altar as a decoration and a place to put items to be "Charged" with power or purified. It also represents the earth element among the witch's working tools.
Priapic Wand
Is used in the fertility festivals and handfasting's of some traditions. Its use seems to have greatly declined in the past ten years or so, but it still is the standby at handfasting's. Its use is included in the rituals of many eclectic groups across the country. Named for Priapus, the Roman God of Procreation, the wand is "The length of a man's arm with the last bit the size and shape of a male member (phallus)"1 for this reason it is sometimes referred to as the Phallic Wand. Other forms of the Priapic wand end with an acorn or pine cone, and are used as symbolic phalluses. Feminist Wicca seems to prefer these alternate forms. Also called the Maypole Wand or God Wand.
Representations of the deities
It a personal choice of what to use. These range from statues to tarot cards. Any personal object that represents one's deities or belief can be placed on an altar to lend it's power to the proceedings. In group situations, we recommend only a pair of candles, so that the personal gods of the conveners aren't in any way suppressed.
Some people choose to wear a special coloured robes to identify them immediately as a master of a path. Robes help people to get into the right mind frame to work magick.
The salt used in ritual represents both Earth and, when mixed with water "The seed of life" or semen. It is purifying, male and grounding in this form.
(see Bolline, above) The sickle is used to cut sacred herbs at certain moon phases. It represents "Crone hood" and is often given to a menopausal convener as recognition of a new life phase.
In European practices, herbs were thrown on the fire to produce clouds of scented smoke. Smudge, which is either a bundle of herbs for burning or the ash of sacred herbs used for anointing, is borrowed from Native American Practices and can usually be held in the hand instead of thrown on a fire. For a nice change, burn rosemary instead of the traditional sage or sweet grass. Stick incense can be used as burning smudge.
Like the Sword, the Staff is essentially a larger version of another tool, the wand. It is sometimes used to draw the circle in the earth, but it seems more important as a walking stick than anything else. In at least one bardic tradition, the staff is a mark of level, with the larger staff a mark of a high rank. In some Native American-flavored traditions, the staff is the Speaking Stick, passed around the circle so each member may speak without interruption, coupled with eagle, falcon, or seagull feathers (depends on area), the staff is a Prayer Stick, and the animal spirits deliver the messages to the sky. . Like the wand the staff may be decorated with crystals, symbols, feathers, or just about anything that makes it your own.
The Sword is a larger version of the athame?, and it used for many of the same purposes. There are two types of Swords, the Coven Sword, which is used in group rituals by a leader or priest(ess), and a personal sword, which is usually used instead of an athame? for drawing solitary circles. It is never used as a weapon, although in older times a person's own battle sword was their sacred weapon, and since they were ALREADY killing with it. Evidence of sword rituals range from the way a Marine polishes a saber to a Knighting, and the sword has always symbolized more than is the sword of justice, or peace, or vengeance. It is used to draw a circle in the earth to protect those within and to break the handfasting cord, and the "giving" of the coven sword to a leader or priestess is a profound act of love and trust. Your personal sword should represent yourself.
(incense burner) A heat resistant, or preferably fire proof container used to contain a hot coal for burning incense. The incense is symbolic of air, while the coal is symbolic of fire. It is used to cleanse and purify the air within the sacred space, or used in cleansing of a home. A cauldron can be used in its place.
The wand has been known as a tool that is gentle in nature and has the male aspect, it is the symbolic representative of air. It is another tool that can be used for casting circle, invoking and releasing the quarters, and casting of spells, and some have used this in place of the athame? or sword in the performance of the symbolic ritual of the Great Rite. Traditionally a length of wood, either 13 inches long (the number of full moons in a year) or the length from the user's elbow to the tip of his/her longest finger. A wand is usually made of wood, although whether that wood is stripped of its bark or shaped in any way in up to its crafter. Ash, Yew, Oak, White Pine, Apple, Hawthorne, Blackthorn, Birch, Willow and Rowan are the most common woods used in wand creation, and a wand of lightning struck wood is supposed to be exceptional.
I haven't included candles, crystals, matches, a fire extinguisher, altar cloths and numerous other items which are common enough in their usage to be fairly self- explanatory.

Magic: General Info: Moon Phases

Information on the moons phases.
The moon is a powerful symbol of the Triple Goddess, who represents the spiritual growth of wisdom and the evolution of a woman from an innocent maiden to the loving mother and hence to the wise crone. These stages are also a reflection of the four lunar phases- the dark moon (just before the new moon) the waxing moon, the full moon, and the waning, which are also mirrored by the female menstrual cycles. Just as the moon is the mother of the universe, representing the feminine powers of the cosmos, so the sun is opposite and represents the masculine forces that surround us and infuse us with the power of the Gods. Purely in it's own right, the power of the moon and the timing of its phases can either enhance or disrupt our bodily rhythms and our lives. Consulting the moon and an astrological chart is a vital part of spell-casting. Some days and months are more beneficial for casting certain spells than other times.
New Moon 
The dark of the moon, when the moon is invisible, is the most affective for casting spells concerning New Beginnings, and the launch of new projects. It is generally a time for taking new paths and making fresh plans established on the basis of past experiences. The influence of the New moon can also boost ambitions and careers, so it is a productive time for sowing the seeds of success. During the New moon, money spells, and work spells stand a better chance of being fulfilled than at other times. It is generally a good time for spending money and speculating with a view towards the future. Those who have experienced problems should take advantage of the valuable time.
Waxing Moon 
The waxing moon is the period between the New moon and Full moon. This is a special time for expansion and growth, and accumulating strength. It is also an appropriate time for preparing your magical spells for the most promising time, which is the three days before the moon is full. The waxing moon aids the accomplishment of any undertakings, whether of a practical or spiritual nature. For witches it is a time for quests for empowerment and a period in which to enhance our magical powers and our perception of the other world. In fact, the closer we come to the Full moon, the stronger and more aspiring are our intuitive powers, which in turn, leads to a new level of awareness.
Full Moon 
The Full moon is the most fortuous time, especially when it's approaching the witching hour of midnight. Your inner strength and magical powers will be at their peak. Casting love spells during the Full moon assures enchanting outcomes, so if you yearn for more love in your life, now is the time to transcend your desires into the cosmos. The full moon is also the most appropriate time to give recognition and to pay tribute to the spirits that guide and protect you. During this period, the extrovert aspects of our character begin to appear more outgoing and receptive towards others. So use this time wisely and crystallize your spells into rewarding experiences.
Waning Moon 
This is the period when the moon journeys from Full to New moon. Casting spells for removing problems, eliminating trouble, neutralizing adversaries and causing harm is most affective when the moon is on the wane. Protection spells for yourself, your loved ones, home and material possessions are also best cast at this time. It is also a time when our bodies are most susceptible to cleansing, so it is a good time to cleanse yourself through the process of detoxification. This can be best achieved through healing and herbal remedies, such as healing teas. Diet and exercise also become easier during this time and results tend to last longer.

Magic: General Info

Reference: Crystals
A list of physical properties as well as spiritual meanings of crystals.
A variety of Chalcedony. Tones and strengthens both mind and body. Imparts a sense of strength and courage. Facilitates ability to discern truth and accept circumstances. Grounding but energetic. Powerful healer. Works with charkas and attitudes according to the color of the stone.

Blue Lace Agate
Strengthens throat and thyroid, helps to bring balance when charka is over stimulated. Can be used for arthritic conditions, also strengthening skeletal structure, can be useful for mending breaks. Can help to remove blockages in the nervous system and capillaries of the body.

Moss Agate
Strongly connected to nature said to refresh the soul and aids those who work with plants. Has assisted mid wives in their work helping to lesson pain during delivery. Stone of new beginnings helping to release blockages. Also said to attract abundance. Improves self esteem and access intuitive feelings. Eases stress and encourages trust and hope. Can help speed up recovery and cleanse circulatory systems. Eliminates depression caused by left - right brain imbalance.

Alabaster Can be used to energies other minerals by placing them on the Alabaster. Helps in the treatment of disorders of the heart. Assists in diminishing the internal anger which is directly proportional to the severity of a disease.
A variety of feldspar. Soothes nervous system. Strengthens heart and physical body. Aids alignment of mental and etheric body. Brings joy and upliftment. Creative expression. Facilitates clearer vision of one's own harmful tendencies, making them easier to release. Charka, throat

Fossilised resin from prehistoric pine trees. Exerts positive influences on endocrine system, heart, spleen, heart. Healing, soothing harmonising. Electrically alive with solidified golden light that can cleanse and purify the entire system and any other bodies. Stabilises the intellect. Charka navel, solar plexus, crown.

A variety of Quartz. Strengthens endocrine and immune systems. Enhances right brain activity and pineal and pituitary glands. Powerful blood cleanser and energiser. Helps mental disorders. Purification and regeneration on all levels of consciousness. Transmutes one's lower nature into the more highly refined aspects of their higher potentials. Physical representative of the violet ray alchemy and transformation. Cuts through illusion. Enhances psychic abilities. Excellent for meditation and aids channelling abilities. Calming. Strong protective qualities. Healing, divine love, inspiration, intuition. Charka third eye, crown.

Ametrine Is a mixture of Amethyst and Citrine so both listings apply. Balancing of Male/female qualities. In meditations and attunement. Amentrine can help one to reach higher states more quickly. Disperses negativity from the Aura and fills the voids with energising and stabilising qualities of pure light energy. Penetrates and facilitates the release of blockages in the physical, emotional and auric bodies, allowing for the release of the associated tension and for the initiation of proper functioning of that which was affected. Is useful for stimulating oxygenation of the body. Also used to help one to both recognise and accept changes to the body - e.g. during periods of growth from childhood through physical maturation and when one is provided with artificial organs, implants etc.

A variety of Beryl. Calms nerves, reduces fluid retention. Strengthen kidneys, liver, spleen, and thyroid. Purifies the body. Enhances clarity of mind, aids creative self expression. Helps balance physical, emotional and mental bodies. Helps banish fears and phobias. Excellent for meditation, inspirations, peace, calmness and love. Charkas throat, solar plexus.

A variety of Quartz. Enhances creativity. Calms anger and irritations. Balances male and female energies. Protects heart charka against psychic vampirism. Balances emotional and metal bodies. Stimulates muscle tissue, helps ease skin allergies, migraines and soothes eyes.

Green Aventurine
In addition to generic attributes it purifies mental, emotional and etheric bodies. Aids in releasing anxiety and fear. Strengthens blood. Emotional tranquillity, positive attitudes towards life. Brings one into alignment with their centre independence. Health and well-being. Charkas Heart.

Blue Aventurine
In addition to generic attributes it is said to be a powerful mental healer. Charka throat.

Peach Aventurine
In addition to generic attributes it cleanses etheric, emotional and mental bodies. Alleviates psychosomatic illness, anxiety and buried fears. Slightly enhances feminine qualities. Charkas Heart and throat.

Helps to stimulate the intellect and develop clairvoyance skills. Provide access to past life insights and telepathy. Enhances creativity. Can successfully produce hunger suppression when worn or carried. Works well with other stones. Brings balance. Charkas all.

Useful in help to submit gratefully to changes. Acts to stimulate insight into "that" which could be replaced by "what" which could successfully provide a positive replacement. Helps grounding in all endeavours and polarising and aligning physical and earth energies. Inspires friendships exhibiting energy which is conductive to stabilizing relationships. Allows one to understand the best solution to any problem. Works with the adrenal glands and muscular vertebrae, helps to maintain alignments.

Known as a "stone of heaven". Works well with sacral and heart charkas. Enhances creativity and self confidence, helps to maintain communication. Aligns the charkas and attunes the structure of the physical body. In meditation it provides for relaxation and for the easy of entry to the void of the state of "no mind". Has been used in the treatment of spinal disorders. Can be used in the treatment of circulatory disorders, to clear toxins and to stimulate the functioning of the synapses.

A variety of Chalcedony. Strengthens and oxygenates the bloodstream. Enhances physical and mental vitality. Strengthens the heart, spleen and bone marrow. Aids in balancing iron deficiencies. Reduces emotional and mental stress. Powerful physical healer. Stimulates movement of Kundalini. Links root and heart charka, inner guidance, altruism, idealism.

Aids kidneys, pancreas, and spleen. Balances male and female polarities, alleviates fear and reduces stress. Emotionally balancing. Grounds excess energy, increases capacity for astral projection, joy and lightness. Works with charkas and attitudes according to the color of the stone.

Black Calcite
In addition to generic attributes it is a record keeper stone for regression and regaining memories so that the past may be released. It returns the soul back to the body after trauma or stress alleviates depression, and it??s a useful companion during the dark night of a soul.

Blue Calcite
This crystal has the additional properties of being a gentle stone for recuperation and relaxation. It lowers blood pressure and dissolves pain on all levels. It sooths nerves, lifts anxieties, and releases negative emotions. When used on the throat charka it aids clear communication. Blue Calcite can also absorb energy sent to it, filter it, and then return it benefit to its sender.

Clear Calcite
In addition to generic attributes it acts as an antiseptic on a physical level and at the subtle level it aligns and clears all charkas. It opens and clears the inner and outer eyes. If it has a rainbow in it, Clear Calcite can bring about a major change.

Gold Calcite
This crystal has the additional properties of being excellent for meditation and attuning to the higher mental planes. It can ground the higher mental energies to the physical realm. Charkas navel, crown.

Green Calcite
In addition to generic attributes it is a great mental healer dissolving old programs and beliefs and restoring balance to the mind. Aids in letting go of the old and the transition from a stagnant to a positive situation. Stimulates immune system and helps cool fevers, burns and soothes anger generated dis - ease.

Iceland Spar (Optical Calcite)
This crystal has the additional properties of being able to amplify images and heal eyes. It can aid in seeing the hidden meanings behind words. Reduces tension. This form of calcite is an excellent cleanser for subtle bodies.

Orange Calcite
In addition to generic attributes it is a highly energizing and cleansing stone. Removes fear, balances emotions and over comes depression. Heals the reproductive system, gall bladder and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Pink Calcite (Mangano Calcite)
This crystal has the additional properties of being in contact with the angelic realm. Being able to release fear and past hurts from the heart and bring in unconditional love. Aids in self worth and self acceptance. Pink Calcite can help to prevent nightmares and dissolves resistance gently. Is a stone of forgiveness.

Red Calcite
In addition to generic attributes it increases energy, uplifts emotions removing stagnant energy. Loosens up joints and removes blockages that prevent you from stepping forward in your life.

Rhomboid Calcite
This crystal has the additional properties of being able to close the mind off from the mindless chatter, bringing mental stillness and is a powerful healer of the past.

Yellow or Golden Calcite
In addition to generic attributes it stimulates the will and its energy. Enhances meditation inducing deep states of relaxation and helps connect to the highest source of spiritual guidance. Stimulates the mind. Charkas crown, solar plexus.

A variety of chalcedony. Very high evolved mineral healer. Energises blood. Aids kidneys, lungs, live, gall bladder, and pancreas. Aids tissue regeneration. Vitalises physical, emotional and mental bodies. Aligns physical and etheric bodies. Enhances attunement with inner self. Facilities concentration. Opens the heart. Warming, social, joyous. Charkas navel, solar plexus, heart.

Cat's Eye
Is a type of Beryl. This is attributed with magical powers. Aids intuition and cleanses negativity from the Aura. Gives one protection, happiness, and good luck. Can be used to treat eye disorders, headaches. Strengthens night vision.

It has peace of the spiritual and contacts the Angelic realms and urges one towards enlightenment. Stimulates clairvoyant communication, dream recall and astral travel. Attracts good fortune. Heals the Aura and reveals truth. It helps to dissolve pain and bring in love. Effective opener and healer of throat charka Eliminates toxins. Charka throat.

Useful for balancing the energy of the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Alleviates hostilities, irritability and melancholy. Enhances generosity, responsiveness and receptivity. Can be used to improve assimilation of minerals in the veins.
Blue Chalcedony
In addition Blue Chalcedony is a creative stone helping the mind assimilate new ideas and helps accept new situations. Enhancing listening skills and aids in learning new languages, improving memories and to look forward optimistically. Used in weather magic. Promotes clear thought and helps to face up to problems. Strengthens immune system, detoxifies the liver and treats thrush.
Stone of transformation. Helps over come fear, stimulates inner vision and spiritual insight. Aids acceptance of others. Can be used to over come compulsions and obsessions. Balances crown Charka. Grounds spiritual self. Assists visions. Encourages a path of service. Converts negative energy into positive. Re-energises body. Treats eyes, heart, liver and pancreas. Gives children a calm sleep.
Powerful, positive healing stone. With Amethyst removes energy implants and wards off psychic attacks. In Carnelian or Ruby it protects against attacks and assists spirits to move on. Assists in elimination of toxins and makes a useful pain killer.
Aids in preventing ulcers, digestive problems, and arthritic conditions. Strengthens lungs and thyroid gland. Enhances metabolism. Excellent for female disorders. Alleviates fears, guilt, and tension. Helps clear subconscious imbalances. Activates feminine qualities. Amplifies throat charka - creative expressions, power, communication, joy and emotional balance. Charkas heart, throat.
A variety of Quartz. Balances neurotic patterns. Eases depressions and sexual imbalance. Fertility. Calming, balancing, and healing for physical, emotional and mental bodies. Helps one see clearly into personal problems. Brings out inner talent. Heart and arteries. Joy. Charka heart.
Termed the 'merchant's stone'. Place a cluster or a crystal of Cinnabar in one's cash box to produce an increase in income. Not only does it assist in acquiring wealth, but it helps maintain the state of wealth.
A variety of Quartz. Good for kidneys, colon, liver, gall bladder, digestive organs and heart. Tissue regeneration. Detoxifies physical, mental and emotional bodies. Enhances bodies healing energy. Diminishes self - destructive tendencies. Raises self- esteem. Powerful alignment with higher self. Light-heartedness, cheerfulness, hope. Warming, energising. Attracts abundance. Charkas navel, crown.
Influences flow of blood. Supplies strong energy to body, mind. Aids metabolism. Helps detoxify body. And aid for exhaustion and sexual imbalances. Aligns physical and emotional bodies. Raises self esteem. Strong conductor of energy.
Can be used to build the body; including muscular structure, blood cells, bones, teeth, nails and skin. Can also be used to provide oxygenation to the lungs and cellular structures, to relieve chills and to treat disorders associated with the adrenal glands and uro-genital system.
Can be used to reduce excitability and to eliminate stubbornness while facilitating the continuance of "standing up" for ones self. Can assist in providing the stamina to retain the self when one is subjected to harsh environments. Excellent stone for patience. Can stimulate verbalisation of spiritual ideas (blue-violet color) and can provide grounding in love matches, while clearing away unsettled areas in relationships. Can be used to diminish wasting disorders, to provide strength in dealing with conditions of dis-ease, and to provide insight into the basis of a condition in order to help one to understand and correct the cause.
Is a stone of patience and inspiration. 'Stone of successful love' Brings domestic bliss and enhances unity. Promotes unconditional love and friendship. Helps maintain physical, emotional and mental balance. Enhances psychic abilities, opens clairvoyance. Gives mental clarity and strengthens memory. Stimulates cooperation. Treats sinuses, lungs, heart, spine, muscles. Sooths eyes.
Is the name of a family of silicates. Some of which are Amazonite, Labradorite, Moonstone and Sunstone. In addition to their own properties they can assist one in detaching from the old and encourage unconditional exciting methods to attain ones goals. Provides support in issues of self awareness and self love. Can assist one in locating which has been misplaced and in discovering and understanding previously unidentified messages from both within and without of the self. Aids in the treatment of disorders associated with the skin and muscular structure.
Strengthens teeth and bone. Improves absorption of vital nutrients. Beneficial for blood vessels and spleen. Ground excess energy. Excellent for advancement of mind, greater concentration, meditation. Helps one grasp Higher, more abstract concepts. Which makes it a great stone for students. Facilitated interdimensional communication. Powerful healer. Works with charkas and attitudes according to color of stone.
Also known as Green Muscovite.
Fuchsite accesses knowledge of practical value and can channel information connected with herbal treatments and holistic remedies. Helps one to be of service without becoming embroiled in power struggles. Teaches self worth. Helps to overcome co-dependency and emotional black mail. Amplifies other crystals energies, releases blockages and addresses imbalance. Aids in the treatment of RSI and helps to realign spine and increase flexibility.
Strengthens, purifies, vitalises and regenerates bodily systems, especially the bloodstream. Has a strong affinity with root charka, helping to harmonise the positive forces of the kundalini. Stimulates pituitary gland. Aligns subtle bodies. Love compassion. Enhances imagination. Charkas root, heart.
Purifies and energies the physical body. Improves circulation and strengthens nervous system. Balances and develops heart charka. Balances hemispheres of brain. Aids tissue regeneration and attracts positive energy to the Aura. Amplifies thought forms and aids personal illumination. Solar energy. Male aspect. Charkas navel, heart, crown.
Blue Goldstone
Is a man made stone made up Copper, glass and Selenite, and retains their properties. It also helps with imparting knowledge and understanding in group work. Charka throat.
Can be used to mold ones character towards both the ideas of growth and improvement. Aids in sustaining ones self when events in life happen too quickly. Is considered the 'lucky stone'. It provides a strong influence for bringing good fortune. Has been used in rain making ceremonies. Gypsum can help to produce strong bones and renew and enhance the elasticity in ones skin. Used to stimulate fertility.
Has positive affect upon the bloodstream. Activates spleen. Increases resistance to stress. Helps to circulate oxygen throughout the body. Strengthens physical and emotional bodies. Energising, vitalising. Enhances personal magnetism, Optimism, will and courage. Stimulates grounding. Powerful stone for those attracted to it.
Dispels criticalness, selfishness and facetiousness, brings strength and innocence to confrontations. Can eliminate pain, stress and rage. Can help lessen rudeness and boisterousness. Discourages impertinent behaviour and encourage subtlety and tact. Useful for balancing calcium levels in the body, can be used in the treatment of disorders of the teeth, bone structure and soft tissue.
Blue Howlite
In addition to the generic attributes it aid dream recall and accessing the insights that dreams bring.
Iolite Sapphire
One of the major stones for use in the third eye/crown area during guided meditations, and during astral travel adventures. Balances the male and female aspects of ones character, bringing harmony to within the self and eliminating dissonance and disruption in relationships. Has been used to protect and to improve degraded conditions of the liver, also used to assist in lessening fatty deposits and to rid the body of toxins. Has been used in the treatment of malaria and other fever - producing disorders.
Strengthens heart, kidneys, immune system. Helps to cleanse blood. Increases longevity and fertility. Aids eye disorders and female problems. Powerful emotional balancer. Radiates divine, unconditional love. Clarity, modesty, courage, justice and wisdom. Peace and nurturing. Dispels negativity. Healing affinity will correspond to particular color of stone.
A variety of Chalcedony. Strengthens liver, all bladder, and bowel. Powerful healer, main impact on the physical body. Represents earth element. Works with emotions and attitudes according to color of the stone.
Red Jasper
Grounds energies. Brings problems into perspective. Aids dream recall. Strengthens circulatory systems, blood and liver. Charka base.
Mookaite Jasper
A multi-colored Jasper found in Australia. It helps one to go though with new experiences. Shows all possibilities and points one in the right direction. Purifies blood, Aids wounds and immune system.
Is crystallized charcoal therefore it is very light. Eases pressure and depression. Strengthens the ability to survive. Keeps away thoughts of fear. Provides thoughts of fear. Provides protection from diseases and violence. Encourages economic stability.
Also Known as Pink Spodumene.
High Lithium content makes Kunzite beneficial to individuals with addictive behavior. Strengthens cardiovascular system. Aids manic depression. Excellent balancer for physical, emotional and mental bodies. Powerful stone for opening and healing the heart. Helps one surrender to higher self. Enhances self esteem. Tolerance, balance. Soothing, calming. Charka heart.
Never needs cleansing or clearing. It will NOT accumulate or retain negative energy or vibrations. The energy of Kyanite is unlimited in application, making it one of the best attunement stones. Aligns all charkas automatically and immediately, with no conscious direction. If directed with the consciousness of the user, it can also open the charkas. Can also align the emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual, ethereal and astral bodies. Brings tranquility and a calming effect to the whole being, with particular focus on the throat charka and the third eye. Stimulates communication and psychic awareness on all levels. Dispels anger and frustration and helps to facilitate clarity with respect to mental awareness.
Lapis Lazuli
Strengthens skeletal system. Activates thyroid gland. Releases tension and anxiety. Energises throat charka. Augments strength, vitality and virility. Facilitates balancing of charkas. Mental clarity and illumination. Enhances psychic abilities and communications with higher self and spirit guides. Charkas third eye, throat.
Is a type of feldspar, displaying spectral colors. Said to be represent the "temple of the stars". Assisting and sustaining and maintaining, while providing for the understanding of the destiny one has chosen. Assists one to traverse changes, attracting strength and perseverance. Known ad the matriarch of the subconscious mind, providing instructive sessions to the user concerning the implementation of inner messages. Has been used in the treatment of disorders of the brain, to stimulate mental acuity and to reduce anxiety and stress. Can assist in digestion, regulation and metabolism, also used to clarify the eyes.
Aids muscles, strengthens heart, beneficially influences blood lithium, and aids emotional and mental balance and stability. Aids sleep. Enhances openness of ones inner light and joy. Charka heart.
Is Magnetite with the additional property of polarity. Balances the male and female aspects of ones body, mind and emotions and stimulates consciousness for each moment. Assists in relieving burdens, and promotes motivation and confidence, eliminating insecurity and dependence. Also acts to balance and to align the meridians of the physical body with the etheric body. Aligns and activates the charkas and aligns the etheric body with the subtle bodies. Also aligns the astral body to the etheric body to stimulate ease in astral travel.
Aids functions of pancreas and spleen. Reduces stress and tension. Aids tissue regeneration. Strengthens heart, circulatory system, pineal and pituitary glands. Induces sleep. Vitalising for body and mind. Reveals subconscious blocks. Excellent balancer. Charkas heart, solar plexus.
Formed over 15 million years ago by meteorite action.. Us is the only know gem quality stone of extra-terrestrial origin. Stone of immense potential, accesses higher dimensional galactic energies, consciousness and vision. It works well with Quartz to amplify and stabilize. Works extremely well with Sugilite, Celestine, Aquamarine, Lapis and opal which is conductive to healing. Do NOT cleanse with salt.
Has healing affinity with stomach, spleen, pancreas and pituitary gland. Unblocks lymphatic system. Relieves anxiety and stress. Aids birthing process, helps female problems. Emotional balances, helps to lessen tendency to over react emotionally. Flexibility in attitudes. Aligns emotions with higher self. Charka heart.
Provides for swift release from depression and disillusionment. This mineral can be used to eliminate the trait of sarcasm and to enhance the characteristic of harmony. It furthers the importance of home and friendships. Can be used to bring abundance to ones life.
Stimulates the heart charka and allows the layers of insecurities and uncertainties to disperse. Can be used to lessen self-doubt. Brings quick thinking, succinct and concise expression of ones feelings, activates an awareness of the higher self, especially when one is struggling with a major life decision. Has been used in the treatment of allergies, to balance the pancreatic secretions, to control blood sugar levels to regulate the kidneys and to relieve the mind of distress due to dis-ease.
Beneficially influences stomach and intestines. Connects mind and emotions. Slightly masculine energy. Grounds spiritual energy into the physical plane. Absorbs and dispels negativity. Reduces stress. Helps clear subconscious blocks. Brings an understanding of silence and 'the void'. Detachment, but with wisdom and love. Powerful healer for those attuned with it. Charka root.
Apache Tear Obsidian
Apache Tear works slowly and is gentler then Obsidian. It aids one in times of grief. Protects the Aura and absorbs negative energy. Helps to eliminate toxins from the body and calm muscle spasms. Increases spontaneity and helps remove self limitations.
Snowflake Obsidian
Is a calming and soothing stone. Helps one to see that mistakes are just lessons to be learned. Balances mind, body and spirit. Releases negative and stressful patterns. Centering. Excellent for meditation. Treats veins and Skeleton and helps improve circulation. Charka sacral.
A variety of Chalcedony. Relieves stress. Balances male and female polarities. Strengthens bone marrow. Aids detachment. Enhances emotional balance and self- control. Higher inspiration. Works with charkas and attitudes according to the color of the stone.
Stimulates pineal and pituitary glands. Aids eye sight. Emotional balancer. Enhances intuition. The full spectrum of colors resonates with all charkas. Helps conscious connection with highest aspect of being. Charkas heart and others depending on color.
Also known as Olivine.
Balances glandular system. Aids tissue regeneration. Has beneficial influence on heart, pancreas, spleen, liver and adrenals. Purifies body. Enhances bloodstream. Overall balancer and tonic for body and mind. Aligns subtle bodies. Increases intuitive awareness, reduces stress. Stimulates mind. Accelerates personal growth, opens new doors of opportunity. Charkas navel, solar plexus and heart.
Petrified Wood
Helps access new beginnings and draw on the knowledge one carries deep within oneself. Helps release the old. Aids in accessing knowledge of Ancestors and of past lives. Charkas Root.
Picture Stone
Is a 'stone of creativity' . Aids in building solid relationships. Helps concentration and balancing ones reality. Aids in facilitating movement and change with ease. Provides insight into deceit and encourages truth. Used to promote a feeling and understanding of the loving acceptance of humanity. Discourages temper tantrums and general grouchiness. Aids in the treatment of wound, broken bones, and weak finger nails. Can be used to improve water retention and assist in the restoration of degenerative eye sight.
Aids digestion, improves circulation. Strengthens and oxygenates blood. Enhances brain functions. Influences a more positive outlook on life. Enhances emotional body. Helps one's ability to work with others harmoniously. Practicality. Charkas root, heart and solar plexus.
Blue Quartz
Activates throat charka to promote the speaking of that which is in ones mind. Releases introversion and fear while promoting experiences which are fresh and new. Assists one in removing the fear of reaching out to others and brings stimulation to new relationships. Helps one to see that the basis of fear is only incomplete knowledge. Can be used to encourage consideration and thoughtfulness in relationships. Has been used in the treatment of disorders of the spleen, the endocrine system and the blood.
Clear Quartz
Enhances the crystalline properties of blood, body and mind. Activities and enhances pineal gland and pituitary glands. Emotions balancer. Stimulates brain functions. Amplifies thought forms. Full spectrum energy activates all levels of consciousness. Dispels negativity in one's energy field and on environment. Receives, activates, transmits and amplifies energy. Excellent for meditation. Enhances interdimensional communication with higher self and spirit guides. Charkas All.
Lavender Quartz
Used to stimulate the third eye to promote clairsentience, clairaudience and clairvoyance, and to further communication on the physical plane. Has been used to instill the ability of direct response and instinctual behavior, and promotes the integration of all parts of the personality, contributing to the understanding of the habits and reactions in any given environment with respect to ones instinctive behavior. A very loving stone.
Rose Quartz
Aids kidneys and circulatory system. Increases fertility. Eases sexual and emotional imbalances. Helps clear stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear, jealousy. Reduces stress and tension, cools hot tempers. Enhances self confidences and creativity. Aids in the development of forgiveness and love. "Love Stone" Charka heart.
Rutilated Quartz
Regeneration of tissue though the body. Enhances life force. Strengthens immune system. Stimulates brain functions. Eases depression and facilitates inspiration. Increases clairvoyance. Highly electrical, more intensity than Clear Quartz. Pierces through layers of physical, emotional and mental density. Transmutes negativity. Enhances communication with higher self and spirit guides. Very powerful healer. Charkas All.
Smoky Quartz
Strengthens adrenals, kidneys, and pancreas. Increases fertility and balances sexual energy. Aids depression. Mildly sedative and relaxing. Initiates movement of kundalini. Dissipates subconscious blocks and negativity. Balances female and male polarities. Aids in balancing extremes. Grounding, very protective and dissipates negativity. Charkas root and crown.
Aids spleen, kidneys, heart, pituitary gland and circulation of blood Enhances memory and intellectual power. Emotional balancer. Helps heal emotional wounds and traumas. Aligns subtle bodies. The red/pink color helps to blend the courage, will and passion aspects of the lower charkas with loving expression of the heart. Divine love, s female and male polarities. Aids in balancing extremes. Grounding, very protective and dissipates negativity. Charkas root and crown.
Aids spleen, kidneys, heart, pituitary gland and circulation of blood Enhances memory and intellectual power. Emotional balancer. Helps heal emotional wounds and traumas. Aligns subtle bodies. The red/pink color helps to blend the courage, will and passion aspects of the lower charkas with loving expression of the heart. Divine love, acceptance of self and life. Powerful healer for those attuned to this stone. Charkas root, heart.
Aids central nervous system, thyroid gland, body reflexes, pituitary gland, and pancreas. Strengthens immunity and improves memory. Eases physical and emotional trauma. Reduces stress and clams the mind. Aligns root and heart charkas for bringing love into action and manifestation. (Red and black variety) Self esteem, confidence. Enhances energy levels in body and mind. Pink variety (without black) helps impart understanding of strength within vulnerability. Great stone for light workers serving in cities. Charkas root, heart.
Helps to facilitate change that is needed. Aids one in accessing karmic wisdom. Strengthens physical, spiritual and mental bodies. Aids in achieving deep meditation and healing hurts from past lifes. Helps one stay in the present instead of past or future tripping. Emotional balancer. Strengthens immune system and aids in the process of breaking down kidney stones. Charkas third eye, crown.
Aids in regeneration of physical and spiritual heart. Enhances circulation. Vitalises blood and entire body and mind system. Strengthens immunity. Activates sluggish dormant conditions on physical and spiritual levels. Refines lower passions. Courage, integrity, selfless service, joy, spiritual devotion, power, leadership. Helps banish sense of limitation. Charkas root, heart.
Helps one to speak the truth. Aligns mental, physical and spiritual bodies. Aids in balancing the bodies energies. Is known as the stone of love and purity. It transforms negative energies and helps on to stay on their spiritual path. Can be used in the treatment of the throat and thyroid glands. Charka throat.
Combines the properties of Onyx, Carnelian, and Chalcedony. In addition it can assist in bringing happiness in marriage and 'live in' relationships. Can be used to attract good fortune and to encourage self control. Has been used to diminish hesitation and to provide courage.
Strengthens bones and teeth. Soothes nerves. Has positive effect on brain aiding power of concentration and clarity. Enhances willpower. Grounding white light. Charka crown.
Aids pancreas, balances endocrine systems, strengthens metabolism and lymphatic system. Balances male and female polarities. Alleviates fear. Clams and clears the mind. Slightly sedative, grounding. Cuts through density and illusion, bringing clarity and truth. Enhances communication, creative expressions. Similar qualities as Lapis Lazuli.
Known as Fairy Cross and is used for good luck. Strengthens rituals. Connects physical, etheric and spiritual planes. Can provide for an overpowering relief in situations of stress and can eliminate depressive and addictive traits. It has been used in treatment of fevers, malaria and depression.
Enhances functions of pituitary and adrenal glands. Activates and balances brain hemispheres. Strengthens heart. Aids physical healing and purification of bodily systems. Emotional balancer reduces stress. Brings higher spiritual awareness into physical reality. Enhances sensitivity. Strong protective qualities. Excellent for meditation. Enhances channelling abilities. Charkas third eye, crown.
Sun Stone
Increases intuition and brings joy and happiness. Cleanses the Aura fulling it with light and energising it. Bringer of luck and fortune. Clears the Aura of vamperic cords. Is an antidepressant and helps remove inhibitions, installs optimism. Activates the bodies self-healing powers and aids in treatment for general aches and pains. Charka solar plexus.
Tiger's Eye
Variety of chalcedony. Beneficial for spleen, pancreas, digestive organs and colon. Emotional balancer. Enhances connection with personal power and will. Grounding and centering. Helps to soften stubbornness. Enhances clear perception and insight. Slightly masculine energy. Charkas navel, solar plexus.
Blue Tiger's Eye
In addition to its generic attributes Blue Tiger's Eye releases stress and tension. Dispels sexual frustration and over active sex drives. Calms tempers and decreases metabolism.
Gold Tiger's Eye
This crystal has the additional properties of energising and helping ground one on the physical plane. It is considered to have protective qualities. Warns against smugness. Aids one in helping to realise their inner strength. Great for meetings.
Red Tiger's Eye
In addition to its generic properties Red Tiger's Eye gives one motivation and accelerates the metabolism. Increases low sex drives.
Tiger Iron
Is made up of Jasper, Carnelian and Hematite. In addition to these properties it helps to pass through change. Helps find a safe haven when in danger. Aids in recuperating from mental and emotional break downs. Brings out inner talents. Works on the blood and eliminates toxins, strengthens muscles.
Tissue regeneration. Strengthens liver, gall bladder, spleen, digestive organs and nervous system. Detoxifies body. Warming, awaking, inspiring. Abundance. Charkas navel, crown.
Aids balance of endocrine systems. Aids sleep. Strengthens and vitalises the mind and body. Activates and enhances crystalline properties of body and mind. Aligns subtle bodies. Dispels fear and negative conditions. Strong protective influence. Concentration, inspiration. Enhances sensitivity and understanding. Powerful healer, highly electromagnetic. Various colors align and activate corresponding colors.
Black Tourmaline
In addition to generic properties it has strong protection from negative energies. Reduces fears, obsessions, neurosis and panic with a clam grounding energy. Charka root.
Watermelon Tourmaline
(Red/green) It also helps heal old emotional pains and brings emotional understanding. Charka root.
Green Tourmaline
Cleanses and detoxifies the spirit and brings prosperity. Charka heart. Also see generic properties.
Blue Tourmaline
In addition to generic attributes it is helpful with verbal, speech and throat problems. Mental peace and patience. Charkas throat, third eye.
Red/Pink Tourmaline
It also promotes compassion, love and healing of emotional pain. Charkas root, heart.
Tones, Strengthens entire body. Tissue regeneration. Aids circulation, lungs and respiratory system. Vitalises blood and nervous system. Aligns charkas. Enhances meditation. Creative expression, peace of mind, emotional balance, communication, friendship and loyalty. Charka throat.
Enhances visualisation. Aids one in finding balance and harmony. Unite spirit and matter. Can be used for grounding after meditation. Treats the reproductive system and aids health in pregnancy. Charka heart.
Can create a clear path to balance the yin-yang energies. Further stimulates the imagination, enhances creativity in the areas of business and acting to supplement the materials and possessions one desires. Can also be used in the treatment of disorders of the eyes, bringing a brightness and sparkle to the iris.

Make Someone think of you Nonstop

Info: A spell to make a certain person think of you nonstop

You will need;
- incense
- red candle
- picture of the person

Casting Instructions:
Light the incense and the candle. Look at the picture and focus all your feelings toward the person. Then Chant the Following:
I put a spell on you, to make you suffer as I do Because I think about you day and night, You shall do the same, it is only right.
This works. You should tweak the words to fit you best.

Saturday, April 29, 2017


Info: Have the ability to shape water

You will need:
  • A glass - half full of water 
  • Concentration 
  • A clear mind

Casting Instructions:
Place the glass in front of you. Start to meditate, think of the properties of the water, try to feel the energy of the water flowing through your mind.
Once you have felt the true energy of the water, start to feel the energy from the water, mixing with your energy. Place your hands on top of the glass. Chant this 3 times while you are feeling the energy of the water, flowing through your mind.
' My energy and the waters energy are now as one. I can bend water, shape water, to whatever I want. By the power of 3 so mote it be.' 
Your energy and the waters' are now as one. Feel your energy flowing from your mind to the water. Your fingers should feel slightly wet but it depends on the person. Now imagine yourself shaping the water. Shape it into whatever you want. It takes a while to get this right. 

Good luck!

Release your Anger

Info: When you are feeling angry, cast this and you shall no longer feel it.

You will need:
-Lucky Charmone
-Black Candle
-Focus a Voice

Casting Instructions:
Hold the lucky charm in your left hand and clench a fist with right. Chant 9 times:
Anger inside me, let me be.
Whilst saying this imagine pushing your anger into your lucky charm. If you wish to say the chant for longer, please feel free. Then, release the hold on your lucky charm and release your fist. Place your charm infront of the candle and hold the candle with your left hand whilst lighting it with your right. Then sit with the candle and charm infront of you and close your eyes. Breathe deeply until you feel relaxed. With your eyes still closed say:
With this candle, with this charm. I cast this spell and none it shall harm. With the element of fire, I banish thee.
Hear me anger, set me free.
Whilst saying this imagine the anger being pushed from your charm and into the flame. NOTE: If you do not do this the anger will stay inside of your charm and it shall no longer protect you. This step is very important. Then, grab the candle with your right hand, step outside and say:
So mote it be.
Blow out the candle and go to sleep with your lucky charm under your pillow.

NOTE: If you do not have a lucky charm or your charm has been disposed of or lost, I suggest my Create A Lucky Charm spell under the enchanting spells section. Also this spell will not make you happy, it will just rid you of anger.

Unlock Your Aura

Info: Unleash your aura that's been locked up! Once summoned, you may use your aura for powers and tricks with it involved.

You will need:
  • Your mind 
  • A calm setting

Casting Instructions:
This will unlock your inner aura. 

First, close your eyes. Relax and remove all thoughts from your mind. Pretend you're in a room. The room is completely white. There is nothing in the room; no furniture, no decorations, just plain blank white.

On the other side of the room, you notice, is a door. The door is also plain white. Now make yourself head over towards the door. Now, reach out your hand and firmly grasp the doorknob. Feel the cold dry metal under your palm. Even though its in your mind, still pretend that you are actually feeling all of this. Feel like you're experiencing this all yourself in reality. 

You should now open the door. There is another room. This one is completely black. You cannot see the walls or the floor or anything. It looks like just an empty space. In the center of the room is a stand. It's bright white contrasting from the rest of the room. 

On top of the stand is an orb. That orb is the first color that comes to mind. Keep that color and do not change it unless that color is naturally changing from the beginning, which is highly unlikely. Reach towards that orb. No matter how hard it is to grasp it in your mind, take hold of the orb and hold tight. And remember to stay relaxed during this whole thing. As soon as you can reach the orb and you grab it, open your eyes. 

Congratulations. You have successfully taken hold of your aura. You can now control it in more ways than you can fathom. Good luck!

Activating Your Powers

Info: If you'd like to become a witch, this is the most promising spell. If you would like to go a step further than any True Witch and become a Gemini Witch, join Spells Of Magic site and message me please.

You will need:
  • 1 towel 
  • 2 candles (only coloured red, yellow, or white) 
  • salt (bathing salts are more powerful) 
  • hard surface 
  • belief 
  • cold water in a relatively large bowl (not a plastic bowl)

Casting Instructions:
Place the towel on a hard surface. Take the candles and put one on each end of the towel (lengthwise), making sure they're parallel to each other. Take the salt, and sprinkle it into a visible circle shape on the towel. Put the bowl of cold water in the centre of the salt circle. Chant the following three times, starting at a whisper, and ending at a shout:
factus liberatio heka 
Dunk your face in the water for as long as you can. 
Go to sleep within an hour of the spell. It will take a while for you to be sleep, but you will eventually. When you awake, your Powers should be activated. Within two days, you must choose your magical path: Elemental Power, Healing Power, or the Gemini Path*. 
After choosing your path, you can only do the Chosen magic. If you don't Choose, your magic will close forever. To choose Elemental Power, you must take a leaf from the ground, put it in a bowl of water and chant once: elementum factus
To choose Healing Power, dip your finger in water, smear it across your forehead and chant: factus medice
Good luck on your Witching journey! 

Easy Candle Healing Spell

Info: a simple spell to help heal yourself or another

You will need:
- 3 blue candles
- utensil to inscribe candles

Casting Instructions:
Form a triangle with the three candles, a bit apart from one another.

Inscribe the name of the person you plan to heal on the candles.

Light the candles and concentrate on peace, health, and positive energy.

Recite the following incantation while looking at the candle flame:

Healing light, shining bright,
Let this sickness flee in fright!
With harm to none including me,
I cast this spell, so mote it be.

Repeat this incantation three times. Once you've finished, let the candles burn out while you meditate. Visualize seeing the person as healthy, happy, and whole.

Send a Nightmare

Info: this spell is to give someone nightmares. This spell is a safe revenge spell.

You will need:
- 4 white candles
- piece of paper
- pencil/pen
- silence
- patience

Casting Instructions:
First you need to take your writing utensil and write the full name of the person of your choice on your piece of paper. Lay it flat on any surface. Put 1 candle on each corner of the paper, light them with care. Chant twice "I give to thee a big disgrace, a night of horror, make no mistake. Make thee have a dream, a dream so big, give thee a sleepless night" at the end add "so mote it be." Take the paper and tear it into fourths, burning each corner to the corresponding candle, the spell will cause the one of choice to have such a bad nightmare, causing sleepless nights after that night.

Summon A Cat Familiar

Info: This spell will help you get a familiar spirit in the form of a cat that only you can see. You can choose every detail about this cat and have a deity bring him or her to life and send him or her to you. This only will work if you believe, or you won't get your cat

You will need:
-Two sheets of paper 
-Black Ink Pen 
-Crayons or Colored Pencils 

-Belief in this spell

Casting Instructions:
With your pencil, draw your cat on one sheet of paper.
Color your cat with the crayons or colored pencils.

With your pen, write your cat's information on the other sheet of paper. Be sure to include the following.
-Cat Breed(If it is a crossbreed, include percentages of each breed!)
-Height(The top of the cat's ears are its height.)
-Tail Span
-Fur Color
-Eye Color

Put your cat picture on top of the paper with its information.
Fold them both hamburger style twice in this position, draw a pentagram, and fold once hot dog style once.

Hold this folded paper to your chest and say,

"O (name of your god/goddess), I call upon thee,
Bless me with this familiar cat bound to me."

Now, for tonight and the next two nights, say the above, kiss the paper, put it under the pillow and rest.

After you have finished, you need to give your deity time to create your cat. The average wait time is about a week, but if your chosen cat is very intricate, you may be required to wait longer. Also, you'll be able to use telepathy with your cat the day after you finish as the spirit of your cat already exists, but your deity will need a little longer to make the cat's new body.

After three days, you must begin looking for your cat. This is the hardest part as your cat will be a kitten and just like a lost pet kitten, they are hard to find. Just look for the same cat you drew earlier but as a kitten and way more realistic. Use telepathy to call your cat to you. If you don't find your cat by the next week, it will eventually find you.

This familiar will already know how to protect you and other people. Your cat will never betray you, and even when you think you don't want him or her anymore, he or she will be very sad but still by your side. Remember, train your familiar well in the ways of your path, and he or she can benefit others. Only you can see it, so keep your cat a secret.