Friday, February 10, 2017

Dream of me spell

Info: This spell would make that person have a dream exactly what you think. It's usually for girls but guys can use it too. It can be a love spell too if you make that person dream of something romantic

You will need:

  • Visualization
  • picture of the person dear in your mind
Casting Instructions:
Get a picture of him in your mind and think of only him as hard as you can. Once you feel like the thought of him could make you smile from ear to ear or you have butterflies in your stomach, then in someway your mind is connected to his.
Then picture a scenario. It could be literally anything.
For example- you guys are in the room alone , having a nice laugh and slowly he is leaning in to kiss you or even a hug.
Then once you're done with your picture say this chant-

" In your mind I have invaded, you have seen what I've pictured. You know how I feel and you know that you are the one in this picture. It may have been a dream but when you awaken, it will become real to me and you. ( full name of the person) I love you,you shall love me when you awaken from this replaying dream. I know I've invaded your dreamland but it's the best for us. So dream of me and when you awaken this picture will become real.

When you're done saying this chant , picture him one more time and fall asleep. 
Signs that your spell is working : Being shy around you , frequently staring at you, talks to you more often.

Binding of Shadows

Info: This spell will grant you control over shadows, but be careful if done wrong you can be controlled by the shadows

You will need:

  • a dark room
  • a grey candle
Casting Instructions:

Wait until dark then take the candle and light it.
place the candle in front of you.
Then say these words

Shadow of Heaven Shadow of Hell
Bring me power through this spell
Give command of shadow give command to me
Stronger at night stronger in dark
Shadows obey my will and hear my call
Shadows bring your king

(Command the king of shadows to kneel if he does they are bound to you and you have succeeded and can command shadows at will)

Sirens Bath

Info: This potion when done correctly will help enhance your powers of attraction by calling on the power of the sirens

You will need:
  • grind together 
  • 1 white rose petals 
  • 2 red roses petals 
  • flower of Adonis 
  • catnip 
  • lemongrass 
  • bay leaves 
  • rosemary 
  • lavender 
  • ginger 
  • cinnamon 
  • vanilla pod 
  • sugar 
  • salt 
  • crushed chili 
  • 1tsp geranium oil 
  • 1tsp rose oil 
  • 3 drops black pepper oil 
  • 1tsp orange oil 
  • apple skins 
  • grind all of the above together and add to a hot bath 
  • 3 red candles 
  • 2 blue candles 
  • 1 white candle 
  • incense of sandalwood rose cinnamon geranium and lemongrass 
  • a mirror to gaze in 
  • rose and clear quartz

Casting Instructions:
on the night of the waxing moon preferably a Friday 
run a hot bath and add the grinded ingredients
burn the incense and light the candles 
gaze into the mirror and chant

from across the seas in ancient land 
I call upon the sirens hand 
give me the beauty of your kind 
so powerful attraction is mine to bind
conjure the seas and air above
so I bathe in lust and magical love
grant me the power of thee
as I will it so shall it be

bathe in the water with the clear quartz and allow it to absorb your imperfections and flaws 
then take the rose quartz and allow it to amplify your beauty bathe in the water and when you let it out allow it to take your flaws carry the rose quartz and rub it when you need to boost your power of attraction while saying 

power of sirens come to me
power of sirens hail be 

Black Passion Lust Spell

Info: Lust spell

You will need:

  • rose petals
  • 1 red candle
  • black passion incense
  • athame (ceremonial dagger)
Casting Instructions:

How it works: Make a circle with the rose petals. Use the athame to draw energy. Once this is done, you recite:The circle is cast and we are now between worlds, beyond the bounds of time, where night and day, birth and death, joy and sorrow meet as one. It is in this place we invoke the tantric powers of Hectate. And now we are as one. So mote it be! Then place the candle in the middle of the circle and visualize your lust into the candle. Say the subjects name followed by:And now the spell will be cast, I, (insert your name), cast a spell of lust over (insert subjects name). Let him/her have thoughts, wishes, and dreams of unbridled lust and passion for me, who is his/her Brother/Sister in the ocean of time. So mote it be.Now light the candle and say: And as we light this candle, it is done with no Ill consequences to anyone, including ourselves. Say your thanks, close out the spell, and wait for the magic to happen.

Enchant Sexual Desire Spell

Info: This is a spell that will enchant your lover to have more sexual desire to you

You will need:

  • a crystal ball or magnifying glass
  • your partner's photograph
  • red candle
  • and incense of your choice (preferably rose or vanilla)
Casting Instructions:

Calm and focus your self. Then chant:

"Goddess (goddess of your choice)*, grant my request; Goddess (goddess of your choice)*, hear my plea. Open the floodgates of desire in the woman for whom my heart conspires; let her feel the heat, oh Goddess, of my body warm and sweet."

Burn the paper with the person's picture on it,
lighting it from the red candle's flame.

To attract a Lover Suited to

Info: It will attract someone to you who would love you or lust after you. This person will have the qualities you would most like in a lover.

You will need:

  • 1 pen
  • 1 piece of paper
  • 1 fire proof bowl
  • 1 lighter or box of matches or a candle flame.
Casting Instructions:

  • Write down on the piece of paper all the qualities, be they physical or mental, spiritual, etc that you would like in a lover. (This spell is not to draw or trap some specific person. Please do indulge yourself but at the same time be realistic.)

  • When you have listed all the qualities that you would like your ideal lover to have, read what you have written, allow it to make you happy as if you already have this person in your life.

  • Fold up the piece of paper and burn it, placing it in the burning bowl to burn safely.

  • As you watch it burn visualize gold, red and pink energy coming from the smoke and flames going up into the universe to find and draw this person to you(of their own free will). When it has all burned out; sit in a relaxed state and imagine this person being with you and you both being happy, as if it is happening now, do this for at least five or ten minutes.

  • Take the burning bowl containing the ashes outside and sprinkle them, while doing this visualize red, pink and gold energy flowing from the ashes into the universe to further search and bring this person to you of their own free will.

Bonding Ritual

Info: This is a spell that will help to solidify a relationship you already have, to create a deeper bond between you and a loved one.

You will need:

  • a pink candle
  • sandalwood oil
  • 2 sheets of white paper
  • pen or pencil (red is good but not necessary)
Casting Instructions

This is a spell you should do together, so hopefully your partner appreciates and accepts your witchcraft practices. The first step is for each of you to create a list of the qualities they like and admire most in the other person, written on the white paper. This should be a well thought out list, not something hastily written down. Have at least 6 to 10 items. Both of you should bring your lists to your altar area when you plan on doing the spell (Friday nights are best). 

Light your candle and get comfortable facing each other. Call Aphrodite (or other appropriate love goddess) and repeat the ritual:

Lady Aphrodite, join our ritual tonight
Bless our union and bless our rite
Help open our eyes,
Help strengthen our bond,
Help bring us together,

Both you and your partner should repeat the words. When finished, each take out your list and read aloud the items on it. When you are done, dab a little sandalwood oil on your thumb and press it to the top of each page like you are leaving a thumb-print. 

Thank Aphrodite for joining your spell, and then blow out the candle. Fold up the sheets of paper and keep them both together in a safe place in the bedroom. 

Love spell

You will need:

  • belief
  • hands
Casting instructions:
Place both your healing hands flat on the center of your chest, take a deep breath and speak the following words: 

I place my own healing hands

on my own dear heart

with the gentleness

and with exquisite care;

the care I would afford

a tiny frozen bird

I found here on my doorstep.

Here, with my gentle healing hands

my touch brings warmth and life;

to right what once went wrong;

to heal what once was broken.

Fear not, my love.

I will do all I can do for you.

For sure, I am no angel

but what I have to give,

I give to you.

Unlock your Aura

Info: Unleash your aura that's been locked up! Once summoned, you may use your aura for powers and tricks with it involved.

You will need:
-your mind
-a calm setting

Casting Instructions:
This will unlock your inner aura. 

First, close your eyes. Relax and remove all thoughts from your mind. Pretend you're in a room. The room is completely white. There is nothing in the room; no furniture, no decorations, just plain blank white.

On the other side of the room, you notice, is a door. The door is also plain white. Now make yourself head over towards the door. Now, reach out your hand and firmly grasp the doorknob. Feel the cold dry metal under your palm. Even though its in your mind, still pretend that you are actually feeling all of this. Feel like you're experiencing this all yourself in reality. 

You should now open the door. There is another room. This one is completely black. You cannot see the walls or the floor or anything. It looks like just an empty space. In the center of the room is a stand. It's bright white contrasting from the rest of the room. 

On top of the stand is an orb. That orb is the first color that comes to mind. Keep that color and do not change it unless that color is naturally changing from the beginning, which is highly unlikely. Reach towards that orb. No matter how hard it is to grasp it in your mind, take hold of the orb and hold tight. And remember to stay relaxed during this whole thing. As soon as you can reach the orb and you grab it, open your eyes. 

Congratulations. You have successfully taken hold of your aura. You can now control it in more ways than you can fathom. Good luck!

Connect with ghosts

Info: Find ghosts to communicate with. Talk with them.
You will need:
-a quiet place

casting instructions:
This spell can work anywhere, but its a specially good in the early morning in forests or old buildings. From my experience ghosts love that. Step one: Get comfortable. Relax. Take in the world around you. Become aware. Step two: Meditate. This way youll notice thoughts that arent yours coming into your head more easily. Step three: Really reach out. Make yourself present. Tell the ghosts youre there. Open your mind. Step four: Listen for voices in your head. When and if you hear them, ask the ghosts if you can talk. If they dont say anything, theyre just shy. Come back another time. If they agree, you can ask them any question you want! Personal story: I went to an old abandoned farm house in a big field deep in the woods near me. I started speaking with the ghosts there. They were shy at first, but soon I started talking with a little girl ghost named Abigail who died in the 1800s. I go and talk with her almost everyday. I think she likes the company. Make sure to message me if this worked for you! Tell me what kind of ghosts you met!