Friday, November 25, 2016

To find your true love

Info: to help you find the one that's right for you
You will need:

  • red necklace (or just a silver locket)
  • flower from a bleeding heart plant
  • 3 mint herbs
  • favorite shade of red or pink on anything (for example a maple tree leaf)
  • jar ( about like a medium jelly jar size)
  • quiet and private space (like your room or something)
Casting instructions:

first take the empty (washed as well) jar and set it in an open space(clean spot on the floor or something) take the bleeding heart flower and put it in the jar gently. then take the 3 mint leavess and rub them in your hands for 3 seconds and then drop them into the jar surrounding the bleeding hearts. then take the locket and put in around the base of the jar on the outside of it. 

then once that us done take the maple leaf (whatever you picked for favorite shade i mean) 
then say this once: oh i pray to goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, please tell me who my love is so to me, i pray this and offer you this gift (hold up the jar make sure nothing is out of place) so mote it be that you help me. 

once your done saying that put your jar under a tree with leaves of red and then take it out after two hours and once you pick up the jar with the locket place the locket around your neck and in about 1 day you will feel the necklace kind of ''tug'' at your neck when your facing or looking at a boy/girl. when the necklace tugs at that boy/girl you will know that he/she is the one for you/. 

Change your hair color

Info: Change your hair any color. The effects should start 10 - 60 minutes after the spell. After 2 days you should see highlights of that color until the color takes over the whole hair.
You will need:

  • candle of the color you want your hair to be
  • water
  • shampoo
  • towel
Casting instructions:
If your are reading this spell you want to change your hair. Take the candle of the color hair you want and light it. Wait till there is a handful of burning wax ( still runny ). Blow out the candle and pour the wax into the shampoo and shake. Pour water into the shampoo. Dip your finger into the shampoo and drag it across the lining of your hair. Take the towel and spread the shampoo back into the hair. Chant: The shampoo in the hair shows its true color. This color was meant for me so mote it be.

Sing beautifully spell

Info: This spell really works and basically says it all in the title it makes you sing even better and more beautifully than ever.
You will need:

  • voice
  • love to sing
  • believe
  • able to visualize
Casting instructions:
You need to meditate for 1 minute then say the following: Let my voice match up to the song Ive been wanting to sing all along 5x Ariana Grande 10x Then picture your lungs filing with colorful music notes then coming out your mouth and people applauding for you then clap 5x then snap 2x WARNING: Do not anything for five minutes or spell wont work.

Dragon Shifting (temporary)

Info: can turn you into a dragon in 1-3 days after spell
Casting instructions:
Chant this three times:
"O god,
mother nature,
and dragons i call to thee,
bestow on my another form,
this form will be a dragon,
but not any dragon,
my dragon,
May the transformation start immeadiatly,
or in 3 days,
and when i claw the earth three times,
may i revert back to my human self,
this is my will,
so as i say so mote it be!"

Call your dragon guardian

Info: This is to call upon a guardian dragon to protect anything.
You will need: Voice
Casting Instructions:
There are 3 stages to it.

First, The Sudden Need Incantation: 

This method is short and to the point. Usually used to protect the caster or another in a sudden crisis. 

"By Dragon wing and dragon claw, 
my defense is without flaw.
Shrouded by dragon might, 
remove me from enemy sight.
Fly before me, Dragon bright, 
and blind my foe with thy light.
Full of rage and terrible ire, 
burn my assailants with Dragon Fire." 
Dark and terrible be thy wrath, 
Dragon, protect me on my path."

Second, The Short Term Protection. 

This summoning is used for short term goals and needs such as protecting an object for a brief period, such as a car ride or elevator trip. Mark the object to be protected with the sign of the guardian and repeat the incantation below: 

"Gentle Guardian wise and strong 
keep it as it belongs. 
Safe within thy charge and care, 
the current venture to fare. 
No harm to come or ill to befall,
guarded and safe through it all."

Third, The Long Term Need: 

This form of summoning is closer to permanent as we would perceive it. Yet in this you must still work with a time frame in mind, however distant it may be. 

Guardian Dragons may be summoned in this fashion for protection of people places and things needing or deserving long term care (such as children, houses, spouses, etc). Multiple objects can be protected with but a change in grammar, but they should be together for a single dragon to protect (the objects become like a mini-horde). 

"Dragon brave and Dragon wise, 
let nothing escape your watchful eyes. 
I call to you from your hidden lair, 
(name object here) is entrusted to your care. 
Permit no harm to come to ( named object), 
in your presence may all evils take flight. 
No baneful creature born of flesh nor spirit
may touch (name object) nor even come near it. 
May those that would bring harm
be filled with fright and alarm."

Sunday, November 20, 2016

A dragon Protector

Info: this spell allows you to create your own dragon protector
You will need:

  • clay(potters)
  • a kiln (or something to slowly fire it)
  • paints
  • patience
  • a needle
Casting Instructions:

First meditate and clear your mind. Then use your minds eye and see your dragon protector. Take the clay in your hands and work it into the shape of your dragon. Open your eyes and add details like ears, spikes, scales, and eyes. Then slowly fire your dragon in your kiln. When it comes out paint your dragon any way you want. Take the needle and prick your finger. Squeeze a drop of blood where his Heart would be. Name him and call him to be. Repeat his name times three . Then say "as I will it come to be, as I call so mote it be". I'm not sure how long it takes for the life to go into it but when it does you will know. When you need protection call its name then say "as I made you you shall see ,I need protection so mote it be"

Love Attraction Magick Mirror Spell

Info: To find a new love or to strengthen your relationship
You will need:

  • a small hand mirror
  • a small photo of yourself
  • a piece of paper and pen
  • 2 red strings, threads, or cords
  • a red cloth
  • (If you're already in a relationship then get a small photo of your partner instead of the paper and pen)
Casting Instructions:
Step1. Set up a basic altar for yourself as usual.

Step2. Once you've cast your Magick Circle, place a photo of yourself face up on your altar.

Step3. Place the hand mirror on top of your photo, with the mirror part facing your photo. 

Step4. If you're looking for new love, take your piece of paper and write the specific qualities you are looking for in your soul mate. Do NOT name a specific person. Place the piece of paper on top of the mirror, with the writing facing down towards the back of the mirror. If you're already in a relationship, instead of using this piece of paper, place a photo of your partner on top of the mirror face down.

Step5. Wrap the 3 objects together with your red string or cord.

Step6. Wrap everything in your red cloth.

Step7. Now bind the entire package again with your 2nd red string or cord.

Step8. Bury everything underground (at least a few inches under the surface) next to an apple tree or a rose bush, or your favourite tree.

Create A Storm

Info: This may take awhile, this spell accelerates evaporation, and will only work in places with evaporation being possible.
You will need:

  • 8 ounces of water in a stove capable container
  • a stove set at 400 degrees Fahrenheit
  • a pinch of dust
Casting Instructions:
Take the pan with water and place it on the stove, let the water set until boiling. Then chant, water boil, water cling, to the dust, as I sing, not just here, but everywhere, just like this, at which I stare. Say this 3 times, and each time, release some of the dust. You must not say this quickly, or too slowly.

To Find Love

Info: to find your soulmate/one true love
You will need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 pink candle
  • 1 piece of paper with qualities of what you want in a soulmate written on it
  • 1 bowl of red, pink or both rose petals
Casting Instructions:

Light the candles and then chant:
"Aphrodite goddess of love hear my plead
Help me find the man/woman I need."

Then say list the qualities you have written out loud. Take the bowl of rose petals and scatter them outside on a windy day, as you chant:

"Please goddess let these petals find their way,
So that one day,
My soulmate can find me,
And to my heart he/she will be the key,
This is my will
So mote it be."

Keep the paper of qualities under your pillow, and look at them everynight before you go to sleep, until your soulmate comes.

*Remember to snuff out the candle, not blow it out*